More census data; extracted to assist you. Sorry that it makes you shift to the right, but otherwise I couldn't get it to fit.
1920 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Allegheny |
Town/Township Pittsburgh |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 16, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 23 |
Enumeration district number 358 |
Location of each person whose place of abode on January 1, 1920 was in this family |
Name of each person whose place of abode on January 1, 1920, was in this family |
Relationship of this person to head of the family |
Tenure Personal Description |
Citizenship |
iEducation |
Occupation |
Line number |
Street |
Home Number or farm |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Home owned or rented | If owned, free or mortgaged |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalizaed or Alien |
If Naturalized, year of naturalization |
Attended school anytome since Sept 1, 1919 |
Able to read |
Able to Write |
Able to speak Englsih |
Trade, profession or paricular kind of work done |
Industry, business or establishment in which at work |
Employer, salary or wage worker, or working on own account |
# of farm schedule |
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Mercer |
Town/Township Sharpsville, 3rd Ward |
Microfilm roll number |
Date May 11, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 19 |
Enumeration district number 180 |
Sheet number 37A |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
772 |
McGing, Michael |
Head |
M |
W |
48 |
M |
23 |
Scotland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1890 |
English |
Laborer |
W |
No |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
O |
F |
H |
McGing, Mary |
Wife |
F |
W |
45 |
M |
23 |
7 |
7 |
Scotland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1890 |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
McGing, Annie |
Daughter |
F |
W |
23 |
S |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
McGing, Catherine |
Daughter |
F |
W |
21 |
S |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
McGing, Michael |
Son |
M |
W |
19 |
S |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
McGing, Mary |
Daughter |
F |
W |
17 |
S |
Pennsylvania |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
McGing, Julia |
Daughter |
F |
W |
12 |
S |
Pennsylvania |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Y |
McGing, John | Son | M | W | 7 | S | Pennsylvania | Scotland | Scotland | English | Yes | Yes | Y | |||||||||||||||||||||
McGing, Patrick | Son | M | W | 3 | S | Pennsylvania | Scotland | Scotland | Y |
This is Catherine, from above, listed at her place of employment, a hotel in Sharpsville.
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Mercer |
Town/Township Sharpsville, 2nd Ward |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 23, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 17 |
Enumeration district number 180 |
Sheet number 10B |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
235 |
McGing, Katie |
Servant |
F |
W |
20 |
S |
Scotland |
Scotland |
Scotland |
1895 |
English |
Servant |
Hotell |
W |
No |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
This is Mary, also working in a hotel and listed a 2nd time besides with her family.
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Mercer |
Town/Township Sharon |
Microfilm roll number |
Date May 13, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 19 |
Enumeration district number 178 |
Sheet number 33A |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
673 |
McGing, Mary |
Servant |
F |
W |
16 |
S |
Pennsylvania |
Scotland |
Scotland |
English |
Servant |
Hotell |
W |
No |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Here are some more Irish Gings:
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Northampton |
Town/Township South Bethleham |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 27, 1910 |
Supervisors district number |
Enumeration district number 118 |
Sheet number 21A |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
East 3rd St |
326 |
267 |
400 |
Ging, William |
Head |
M |
W |
65 |
M |
34 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1874 |
NA |
English |
Laborer |
Steelworker |
W |
Yes |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
O |
F |
H |
Ging, Bridget |
Wife |
F |
W |
55 |
M |
34 |
2 |
1 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1873 |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Alleghany |
Town/Township Pittsburgh |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 18, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 19 |
Enumeration district number 404 |
Sheet number 5A |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
Herdin (?) Alley |
544 |
87 |
87 |
Ging, Patrick |
Head |
M |
W |
46 |
M |
18 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1888 |
NA |
English |
Laborer |
? |
W |
Y |
0 |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Mary |
Wife |
F |
W |
48 |
M |
18 |
7 |
4 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1883 |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, John |
Son |
M |
W |
S |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Mary |
Daughter |
F |
W |
10 |
S |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Bridget |
Daughter |
F |
W |
8 |
S |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Patrick |
Son |
M |
W |
6 |
S |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
1910 Census - United States |
State Pennsylvania |
County Alleghany |
Town/Township Pittsburgh, 2nd Ward |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 25, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 23 |
Enumeration district number 298 |
Sheet number 17A |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
Penn Ave |
1229 |
177 |
249 |
Ging, John |
Head |
M |
W |
40 |
M |
14 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1888 |
NA |
English |
Laborer |
Plumbing |
W |
No |
4 |
No |
No |
R |
Ging, Mary |
Wife |
F |
W |
35 |
M |
14 |
5 |
5 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1888 |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Mike |
Son |
M |
W |
S |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Annie |
Daughter |
F |
W |
12 |
S |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, John Jr |
Son |
M |
W |
10 |
S |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Agnes |
Daughter |
F |
W |
5 |
S |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ging, Joseph |
Son |
M |
W |
1 |
S |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
1910 Census - United States |
State Ohio |
County Fayette |
Town/Township Union Township |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 16 & 18, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 6 |
Enumeration district number 70 |
Sheet number 3B |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
19 |
19 |
Ging, Mary |
Head |
F |
W |
66 |
W |
5 |
5 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
? |
NA |
English |
None |
None |
Yes |
Yes |
O |
F |
H |
Ging, William |
Son |
M |
W |
34 |
S |
Ohio |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Farmer |
Home Farmer |
Emp |
Yes |
Yes |
X |
15 |
Ging, John |
Son |
M |
W |
S |
Ohio |
Ireland |
Ireland |
English |
Farmer |
Home Farmer |
Emp |
Yes |
Yes |
X |
15 |
Dempsey, Fannie |
Sister |
F |
W |
69 |
W |
1 |
0 |
Penn |
Ireland |
Ireland |
? |
English |
None |
Yes |
No |
1910 Census - United States |
State Ohio |
County Montgomery |
Town/Township Mational Military Home for Disabled Volunteers |
Microfilm roll number |
Date April 19, 1910 |
Supervisors district number 2 |
Enumeration district number 135 |
Sheet number 2 |
Page number |
Location of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 |
Name of each person whose place of abode on April15, 1910, was in this family |
Relationship to head of household |
Personal description |
Nativity |
Citizenship |
Occupation |
Education |
Ownership of Home |
Survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy |
Blind? (both eyes) |
Whether deaf and dumb. |
Street |
House Number |
Dwelling number |
Family number |
Sex |
Color |
Age |
Marital Status |
# of years married |
Mother of how many children |
Number of these children living |
Place of birth |
Place of birth of father |
Place of birth of mother |
Year of immigration to US |
Naturalization |
Language spoken |
Trade |
Industry |
Employer, employee |
Out of work on April 15, 1910 |
# of weeks not employed in 1909 |
Can read |
Can write |
Attended school since Sept 1, 1909 |
Home owned or rented |
Home owned free or mortgaged |
Farm or house |
# of farm schedule |
Ging, Michael |
Head |
M |
W |
68 |
S |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Ireland |
1859 |
NA |
English |
None |
None |
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