Kathleen McGing was born on July 13, 1903 in Westport, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
Michael Christopher Curran were married on June 14, 1933 in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
G, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Kathleen
Last nameMcGing
Marital statusSpinster
Condition (as transcribed)S
ResidenceHigh St Westport
Marriage year1933
Marriage date14 Jun 1933
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameMarlboro St
Registration districtNorth City No 1 West
Superintendent's reg districtDublin South
Spouse's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's last nameCurran
Spouse's ageF
Spouse's marital statusB
Spouse's occupationBrush Manufacturer
Spouse's residence39 Amiens St
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationMerchant
Spouse's father's first name(s)James
Spouse's father's last nameCurran
Spouse's father's occupationBrush Manufacturer
Registration year1933
Registration quarter yearOct - Dec 1935
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
SR District/Reg Area - Dublin
Marriage of Michael CURRAN and Kathleen MCGING
on 14 June 1933
Party 1 NameMichael CURRAN
Party 2 NameKathleen MCGING
Date of Event14 June 1933
Group Registration ID1203414
SR District/Reg AreaDublin
Ireland Marriages 1845-1958 Transcription
First name(s)Kathleen
Last nameMcGing
Registration year1933
Registered Quarter/YearJul - Sep 1933
Registration districtDublin North
MarriageFinder™Kathleen McGing married one of these people
James Donnelly, Henry O'Sullivan, Michael Curran
Record setIrish Marriages 1845-1958
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryMarriages & divorces
Collections fromIreland. She died on December 17, 1997, at age 94, in Dublin, Dublin, Ireland