McGing Lines

Person Page 37

John J. McDonnell

M, #901, b. January 30, 1938, d. July 9, 1980


FatherJohn Joseph McDonnell (b. May 4, 1889, d. May 4, 1984)
MotherJoanna Theresa Murphy (b. October 20, 1913, d. February 7, 1990)
McGing Pedigree


John J. McDonnell was born on January 30, 1938 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OhioG. He was married on January 28, 1961 in Lakewood, Cuyahoga County, OhioG. He died on July 9, 1980, at age 42, in Andover, OhioG.
Last Edited June 1, 2019 15:07:00

Austin McGing

M, #902, b. 1829


FatherJohn McGing (b. 1800, d. about 1875)
MotherBridget Lyons (b. 1809)
McGing Pedigree


Austin McGing was born in 1829 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG.
Consider baptismal record: April 11, 1829 Austin of John Ging Bridget Ging of Tonlegee sponsors John Geraghty Ann Boyle

Church Baptism Record
Name: Austin Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 11-Apr-1829
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: John Ging Mother: Bridget Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: John Geraghty Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Anne Boyle
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

I think this also fits -

1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census
Saltby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, England
Austin MacGing's Household Members

Members that resided in the household at the time of the census.
First name(s)Last nameRelationshipMarital statusSexAgeBirth yearOccupationBirth place
JohnSteansHeadMarriedMale811770Retired FarmerStonesby, Leicestershire, England
AnnSteansWifeMarriedFemale621789Retired Farmers WifeBurrow, Rutland, England
FrancisSteansSonUnmarriedMale381813Farmer 250 Acres Employing 2 LabourersSaltby, Leicestershire, England
ThomasSteansSonUnmarriedMale361815Farmers SonSaltby, Leicestershire, England
JohnSteansSonUnmarriedMale301821Farmers SonSaltby, Leicestershire, England
GeorgeSteansSonUnmarriedMale241827Farmers SonSaltby, Leicestershire, England
RobertEdlinServantUnmarriedMale141837Ag Farmers ServantCroxton, Leicestershire, England
CharlotteJacksonServantUnmarriedFemale211830House ServantWyville, Lincolnshire, England
JohnMacGingLaborerUnmarriedMale211830Farmers LabourerIreland
AustinMacGingLaborerUnmarriedMale201831Farmers LabourerIreland

Austin MacGing's Census Details
Details taken from the original census record.
First name(s)Austin
Last nameMacGing
Marital statusUnmarried
Birth year1831
OccupationFarmers Labourer
Birth placeIreland
Birth place as transcribedIreland
Birth town-
Birth county-
Parliamentary borough-
Municipal ward-
Registration districtMelton Mowbray
Archive referenceHO107
Piece number2091
Record set1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census
CategoryCensus, Land & Substitutes
Collections fromGreat Britain, England. Austin McGing was christened on April 11, 1829.
Last Edited March 1, 2019 19:32:00

John McGing

M, #903, b. November 24, 1829, d. 1885


FatherAustin McGing (b. 1806)
MotherCatherine Connolly (b. 1811)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Molly Walsh (b. 1827, d. 1901)

DaughterAnna McGing+ (b. May 28, 1854, d. about 1909)


John McGing was born on November 24, 1829 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Molly Walsh were married Cannot find a marriage record. He died in 1885, at age ~56.
Found in baptismal records It does fit

Church Baptism Record
Name: John Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 24-Nov-1829
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Austin Ging Mother: Catherine Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Thomas Ging Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Lally
Notes. John McGing was christened on November 24, 1829.
Last Edited March 5, 2018 19:53:00

Austin McGing

M, #904, b. 1806


FatherThomas McGing (b. 1780)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Catherine Connolly (b. 1811)

SonPatrick McGing
SonMartin McGing+ (b. 1827, d. August 7, 1891)
SonJohn McGing+ (b. November 24, 1829, d. 1885)
SonMichael McGing+ (b. October 3, 1830)
SonJames McGing+ (b. November 26, 1831, d. March 29, 1890)
SonDaniel McGing (b. 1833)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. 1835)
DaughterBridget McGing+ (b. January 14, 1835, d. April 26, 1889)
DaughterMary McGing (b. 1836)
DaughterAnne McGing (b. July 10, 1843)
DaughterCatherine McGing (b. April 17, 1846)


Austin McGing was born in 1806 in IrelandG. He and Catherine Connolly were married in 1826 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG, Can't find records but based on son John showing Tonlegee, making that assumption marriage in local area.
Do have to figure out how best to link these to the larget tree. Amy Goldie is a distant DNA match for dad via McGings who became Gings in Scotland. They are from this line that I drove back to this Austin. To link to my dad, they must link to the bigger tree, and this is an obvious candidate family to link to. No other Austin's in the immediate family and time frame works.

This is a guess, but the dna linkage does support this Austin is indeed blood related to the main McGing lines and this is how, for now, I am making that link.

Actually, I've gone from thinking there is an Irish Austin/Catherine and a UK Austin/Catherine and that I have to pick them apart to now (2016) thinking there is one family that moved back and forth and had family members who moved back and forth.

Problem is the dates are close but usually aren't that far off in the 1851 census. But the Irish and dates - always a bit loose. Plus the family seems to have had children left behind if this is the right family group, where are Margaret, Mary, Ann and Catherine? Of course, children died and a disappearance that can't be explained by immigration or marriage is likely a death.

Consider what was going on in Ireland at this time and the move to Scotland and the deaths of younger children is not illogical.

1851 UK Census

Name: Catherine McGing
Age: 49
Estimated birth year: abt 1802
Relation: Lodger
Gender: Female
Where born: Ireland
Civil Parish: Preston
Ecclesiastical parish: Holy Trinity
Phillimore Ecclesiastical Parish Maps:
View related Ecclesiastical Parish
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England
Street address:

Condition as to marriage:

Registration district: Preston
Sub-registration district: Preston
ED, institution, or vessel: 2pp
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 160
Piece: 2267
Folio: 501
Page Number: 52
Household Members:
Name Age
Robert Bradshaw 24
Ann Bradshaw 22
Martin Bradshaw 3 Mo
Henry Moone 30
Nancy Moone 26
Bridget Moone 4
Ellen Moone 5 Mo
Alick Hughes 40
Bridget Hughes 30
Michal Hughes 5
Mary Hughes 2
Augustine McGing 45
Catherine McGing 49
Bridget McGing 20
John McGing 18. (Research):Oldest McGing

The question is how does this person fit with the theoretical lineage DNA is proposing? As one of the oldest, he/she could be a sibling to others we know of but are unaware of the sibling relationship. If a Male McGing/McGinn.Ging of this line could Y-DNA test at least a 67 (111 is better) we'd know more and could triangulate back to the shared ancester. Moving earlier in time here is all conjecture, but looking for evidence and DNA is a key piece.

The big question is whether or not this man is a brother to Patrick, Philip and John McGing, sons of James McGing. I question because of the baptismal record of his daughter Mary, (1836) which shows that Austin lived in the same village, Tonlegee, as Patrick.

Good guess given the census records.

Ireland, Poverty Relief Loans 1821-1874 Transcription
First name(s) Austin
Last name McGing
Role -
Entry year 1845
Place -
Townland Myhastin or Meghastin
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Borrower's first name(s) Austin
Borrower's last name McGing
Loan number 66
Source Irish Reproductive Loan Fund, T91 (The National Archives, Kew)
Archive The National Archives
Archive reference T 91/187
Year range 1848-1854
Record type county committees and trusts
Description returns to the Clerk of the Peace
Record set Ireland, Poverty Relief Loans 1821-1874
Category Institutions & organisations
Record collection Government
Collections from Ireland

Austin loan to pay fare for son to England.
Michael, who lived with father Austin, loan to pay fare to America

I do believe son James went to America and used McGinn.
Last Edited April 18, 2021 10:57:00

Catherine Connolly

F, #905, b. 1811
McGing Pedigree


Family: Austin McGing (b. 1806)

SonPatrick McGing
SonMartin McGing+ (b. 1827, d. August 7, 1891)
SonJohn McGing+ (b. November 24, 1829, d. 1885)
SonMichael McGing+ (b. October 3, 1830)
SonJames McGing+ (b. November 26, 1831, d. March 29, 1890)
SonDaniel McGing (b. 1833)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. 1835)
DaughterBridget McGing+ (b. January 14, 1835, d. April 26, 1889)
DaughterMary McGing (b. 1836)
DaughterAnne McGing (b. July 10, 1843)
DaughterCatherine McGing (b. April 17, 1846)


Catherine Connolly was born in 1811 in IrelandG. She and Austin McGing were married in 1826 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG, Can't find records but based on son John showing Tonlegee, making that assumption marriage in local area.
Last Edited March 5, 2018 19:44:00

Patrick McGing

M, #906, b. December 1829, d. 1920


FatherJames McGing (b. 1809)
MotherMary (b. 1810)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Sarah () (b. 1828)

SonMichael McGing+ (b. 1861)
DaughterMary McGing (b. 1866)


Patrick McGing was born in December 1829 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Sarah () were married in 1860 in Mayo, IrelandG. He died in 1920, at age ~91, in Castlebar, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Patrick Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 12-Dec-1829
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Ging Mother: Mary Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: John Kelly Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2. (Research):Dates from census. Patrick McGing was christened on December 12, 1829.
Last Edited May 25, 2023 09:32:00

Mary ()

F, #908, b. 1810
McGing Pedigree


Family: James McGing (b. 1809)

DaughterAnne McGing (b. May 1830, d. 1835)
SonMichael McGing (b. July 19, 1834)
DaughterAnne McGing (b. May 30, 1839)
SonJames McGing+ (b. September 20, 1844, d. January 10, 1882)
SonMartin McGing (b. April 1, 1847)


Mary () was born in 1810 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG. She and James McGing were married in 1829 in Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 1, 2019 21:16:00

Thomas McGing

M, #909, b. March 28, 1830


FatherJames McGing (b. before 1808)
MotherWinifred () (b. 1809)
McGing Pedigree


Thomas McGing was born on March 28, 1830 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Thomas Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 04-Apr-1830
Address: Doon Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Ging Mother: Winifred Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Martin Heraghty Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Murry
2/8.5 (E)
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited March 29, 2015 19:52:00

James McGing

M, #910, b. before 1808
McGing Pedigree


Family: Winifred () (b. 1809)

SonThomas McGing (b. March 28, 1830)
SonJohn McGing (b. December 1831)


James McGing was born before 1808 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Winifred () were married in 1829 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG.
I assume Doon as POB because the kids were born there. Could be wrong, but they were there.
Last Edited May 22, 2016 18:19:00

Winifred ()

F, #911, b. 1809
McGing Pedigree


Family: James McGing (b. before 1808)

SonThomas McGing (b. March 28, 1830)
SonJohn McGing (b. December 1831)


Winifred () was born in 1809 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG. She and James McGing were married in 1829 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited May 22, 2016 18:18:00

Anne McGing

F, #912, b. May 1830, d. 1835


FatherJames McGing (b. 1809)
MotherMary () (b. 1810)
McGing Pedigree


Anne McGing was born in May 1830 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG. She died in 1835, at age ~5.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Anne Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 30-May-1830
Address: Doon Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Ging Mother: Mary Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Ging Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Margaret Caffrey. (Research):Presumed dead as another Anne was in teh family. Anne McGing was christened on June 3, 1830.
Last Edited April 1, 2023 13:26:00

Daniel McGing

M, #913, b. June 27, 1830


FatherMichael McGing (b. 1800)
MotherCatherine McFadyn (b. 1800)
McGing Pedigree


Daniel McGing was born on June 27, 1830 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Daniel Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 27-Jun-1830
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Ging Mother: Catherine Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: John Kirby Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Catherine Derig.
Last Edited March 16, 2016 16:37:00

Michael McGing

M, #914, b. 1800


FatherMyles McGing (b. about 1750)
MotherCatherine Guess (b. 1760)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Catherine McFadyn (b. 1800)

DaughterAnn McGing+ (b. 1828, d. March 11, 1909)
SonDaniel McGing (b. June 27, 1830)
DaughterJudith McGing+ (b. 1831)
SonMyles McGing (b. 1832)
DaughterHonoria McGing (b. 1833)


Michael McGing was born in 1800 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Catherine McFadyn were married in 1829.
I believe one of Myles kids is this Michael because he named one of his kids Myles and they were in Arderry.

This is a speculative person. I have no proof and will not find any, but I am testing positive with dna for a person who does indeed link to me via this potential connection. So need more dna but for now this is a working connection.

There are issues with it - there are McGings in Dublin and some in Mayo but the records are so very very slim. So this is NOT proven. But it does serve as a working hypothesis.

His children are also real people but whether they were his children, siblings etc is also just speculation. DNA says that people of these lines are related, but exactly how remains a mystery. But this family construct does match the Y DNA and the autosomal DNA and to the degree possible, actual records.

Reminder, just a theory, not proven.
Last Edited September 13, 2019 12:57:00

Catherine McFadyn

F, #915, b. 1800
McGing Pedigree


Family: Michael McGing (b. 1800)

DaughterAnn McGing+ (b. 1828, d. March 11, 1909)
SonDaniel McGing (b. June 27, 1830)
DaughterJudith McGing+ (b. 1831)
SonMyles McGing (b. 1832)
DaughterHonoria McGing (b. 1833)


Catherine McFadyn was born in 1800. She and Michael McGing were married in 1829.
Last Edited May 18, 2016 16:09:00

Margaret Mary Kanavy

F, #916, b. March 9, 1908, d. March 12, 1985


FatherPatrick C. Kanavy (b. November 3, 1874, d. December 29, 1950)
MotherKatherine Agnes McLane (b. November 27, 1880, d. October 24, 1951)
McGing Pedigree


Margaret Mary Kanavy was born on March 9, 1908 in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, United StatesG. She and William G. Henagan were married on October 2, 1928 in Scranton, Lackawanna, PennsylvaniaG, Pennsylvania, Marriages, 1852-1968
NameMargaret M. Kanavy
Gender Female
Age 21
Birth Date abt 1907
Marriage Date 2 Oct 1928
Marriage Place Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA

Father Patrick Kanavy
Mother Catherine Mclane
Spouse William G. Henigan
Film Number002313045

Name William G. Henigan
Gender Male
Age 23
Birth Date abt 1905
Marriage Date 2 Oct 1928
Marriage Place Scranton, Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, USA
Father John Henigan
Mother Margaret Kelley
Spouse Margaret M. Kanavy
Film Number002313045. She died on March 12, 1985, at age 77.
Last Edited October 22, 2018 13:45:00

Patrick Gavin

M, #917, b. 1851


FatherJohn Gavin (b. about 1820, d. before 1901)
MotherCatherine McNeely (b. about 1820, d. about 1901)
McGing Pedigree


Patrick Gavin was born in 1851 in Ballintubber, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Patrick Gavin Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 09-Apr-1851
Address: Croughim Parish/District: Burriscarra RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: John Gavin Mother: Catherine Connelly
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Mathew McGuin
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Gavin
2/6. Patrick Gavin was christened on April 9, 1851.
Last Edited December 1, 2016 15:13:00

James McGing

M, #918, b. November 26, 1831, d. March 29, 1890


FatherAustin McGing (b. 1806)
MotherCatherine Connolly (b. 1811)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Mary () (b. 1838, d. March 19, 1922)

DaughterMary Ann McGinn (b. 1856)
SonEdward McGinn+ (b. 1858, d. April 7, 1936)
SonJoseph McGinn (b. 1859)
DaughterMargaret McGinn (b. 1860)
SonJames McGinn (b. 1862, d. April 25, 1943)
SonThomas McGinn (b. 1864, d. 1915)
SonJohn McGinn+ (b. July 1864, d. March 3, 1928)
DaughterJulia McGinn (b. 1866)
SonPeter McGinn (b. 1868, d. March 10, 1905)
DaughterSarah McGinn (b. 1870)
SonAndrew McGinn (b. 1874, d. May 27, 1947)
SonWilliam McGinn (b. March 1876)


James McGing was born on November 26, 1831 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Mary () were married in IrelandG. He died on March 29, 1890, at age 58, in Medina, Orleans County, New YorkG.
James McGing was also known as James McGinn. Church Baptism Record
Name: James Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 26-Nov-1831
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Austin Ging Mother: Catherine Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Dominick Kelly Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Walsh

This census doesn't list place of birth, but the State census show the kids as US born. There are no birth certificates in NY prior to 1881, and I'd like to check to see how they spelled the name of the family on baptismal records. I'd be interested in tracking down any of these 3 kids (above) to see if they or their parents were listed as McGing or McGinn.

This federal census is clearly a "McGing" but the state census's below are showing a listing as "McGinn" and a check for the kids would clarify that. Also, there are some discrepancies with the age of James, but everyone else matches pretty well, so I'm satisfied based on what I've found that this is a line of NY McGings who may very well have turned into McGinns in the period between 1860 and 1865. Don't know where Mom and Dad came from in Ireland, but since I can't find them in the 1855 State census, I suspect they emigrated late 1855-1856 since their oldest is 4 years and alleges a US birth. I have a number of possible Irish connections that would match up from famililes where the sons took off and were never seen in Ireland again. So the next steps are baptismal records for any of the 3 kids listed above and immigration records for mom and dad..

And here is a link to St Mary's cemetery, where many of them are buried as McGinns. (Research):James Mc Ging
Gender: Male
Birth: Circa 1831 Ireland
Residence: 1860 The Town Of Ridgeway, Orleans, New York, USA
Age: 29
Wife (implied): Mary Mc Ging
Children (implied): Mary Ann Mc Ging, Edward Mc Ging, Joseph Mc Ging
Township: The Town Of Ridgeway Sheet: 92
County: Orleans Family: 1846
State: New York Line: 2
Date: 1860 Image: 432

Relation to head of household was not recorded in this census. However, MyHeritage has developed technology to imply the relations based on surname, gender, age and position in the household. Though not perfect, the implied relations are often correct.

Relation to head Name Age
Head (implied) James Mc Ging 29
Wife (implied) Mary Mc Ging 25
Daughter (implied) Mary Ann Mc Ging 4
Son (implied) Edward Mc Ging 2
Son (implied) Joseph Mc Ging 1.
Last Edited March 5, 2018 19:57:00

John McGing

M, #919, b. December 1831


FatherJames McGing (b. before 1808)
MotherWinifred () (b. 1809)
McGing Pedigree


John McGing was born in December 1831 in Doon, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: John Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 10-Dec-1831
Address: Doon Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Ging Mother: Winifred Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Ging Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Anne Ging. John McGing was christened on December 10, 1831.
Last Edited March 29, 2015 19:53:00

Bridget McGing

F, #920, b. January 14, 1835, d. April 26, 1889


FatherAustin McGing (b. 1806)
MotherCatherine Connolly (b. 1811)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Michael Joseph Derrig (b. 1833, d. July 22, 1898)

DaughterMary Derrig+ (b. October 23, 1864)
SonJohn Derrig+ (b. August 1866, d. May 31, 1918)
SonThadeus Derrig (b. December 10, 1866, d. April 22, 1898)
DaughterHonor Derrig+ (b. April 7, 1869, d. November 27, 1941)
SonThomas Derrig+ (b. May 16, 1871, d. 1975)
SonPatrick Derrig+ (b. January 14, 1873, d. June 14, 1946)
SonMichael Joseph Derrig+ (b. February 13, 1876, d. 1935)
DaughterCatherine Derrig+ (b. June 18, 1878, d. May 31, 1936)


Bridget McGing was born on January 14, 1835 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG. She and Michael Joseph Derrig were married on June 21, 1860 in Ballintubber, Mayo, IrelandG, 1860 Witnesses to the marriage were Austin McGing and Bridget Joyce

Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:21-Jun-1860
Parish / District:Burriscarra RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres. She died on April 26, 1889, at age 54, in Derrew, Partry, Mayo, IrelandG.
(Research):Bridget McGing
Birth:Circa 1831

5 Back Vicar St, Preston, Lancashire, England
Marital status:Single

Parish:PrestonSeries: HO107 Line:2
Ecclesiastical district: Holy Trinity Church Piece: 2267 Image: 52 /
Parlamentary borough: Preston
Registrar's district: Preston Union
Registration district: Preston
Enumerated by:Josiah Clare
County: Lancashire
Enum. District:2PP

Relation to head NameAge
Head Robert Bradshaw / 24
Wife Ann Bradshaw / 22
Son Martin Bradshaw / 3 months
Lodger Henry Moran / 30
Lodger Nancy Moran / 26
Lodger Bridget Moran / 4
Lodger Ellen Moran / 5 months
Lodger Alick Hughes / 40
Lodger Bridget Hughes / 30
Lodger Michal Hughes / 5
Lodger Mary Hughes / 2
Lodger Augustus McGing / 45
Lodger Catherine McGing / 40
Lodger Bridget McGing / 20
Lodger John McGing / 18.
Last Edited April 18, 2021 10:56:00

Daniel McGing

M, #921, b. 1833


FatherAustin McGing (b. 1806)
MotherCatherine Connolly (b. 1811)
McGing Pedigree


Daniel McGing was born in 1833 in Tonlegee, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Daniel Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 29-Sep-1833
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Austin Ging Mother: Catherine Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick McNally Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget McNally
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres Daniel McGing was christened on September 29, 1833.
Last Edited March 5, 2018 19:54:00

Patrick McGing

M, #922


FatherAnthony McGing (b. before 1819)
MotherMary Walsh (b. before 1819)
McGing Pedigree


Patrick McGing was born in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Mary Fergus were married on April 11, 1867 in Aughaval, Mayo, IrelandG, Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:11-Apr-1867
Parish / District:Oughaval RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Address:High StreetBridge St
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Film Number 0979697 and 1279209

Baptismal register for 1828-1836 in Aughagower Mother also could be Sally

Church Baptism Record
Name:Patrick GingDate of Birth:
Date of Baptism:09-Mar-1834
Address:SraheenParish/District:Aghagower RC parish
Gender:MaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:Anthony GingMother:Sally Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:Patrick Morrin
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:Bridget Morrin
Notes. Patrick McGing was christened on March 13, 1834.
Last Edited January 21, 2018 20:24:00

Anthony McGing

M, #923, b. before 1819
McGing Pedigree


Family: Mary Walsh (b. before 1819)

SonPatrick McGing
DaughterHonoria McGing (b. August 8, 1844)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. 1848)


Anthony McGing was born before 1819. He and Mary Walsh were married.
Last Edited December 19, 2000 21:09:00

Mary Walsh

F, #924, b. before 1819
McGing Pedigree


Family: Anthony McGing (b. before 1819)

SonPatrick McGing
DaughterHonoria McGing (b. August 8, 1844)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. 1848)


Mary Walsh was born before 1819. She and Anthony McGing were married.
Mary Walsh was also known as Ann ----.
Last Edited February 23, 2015 17:19:00

Daniel McGing

M, #925, b. 1834


FatherJohn McGing (b. before 1820)
MotherAnne () (b. before 1820)
McGing Pedigree


Daniel McGing was born in 1834 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Daniel Ging Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 27-Apr-1834
Address: Arderry Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: John Ging Mother: Anne Ging
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Michael Ging Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Anne Walsh
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres. Daniel McGing was christened on April 27, 1834.
Last Edited April 9, 2015 20:56:00