Mary Anne Joyce was born on March 29, 1866 in Galway, Galway, Ireland
G. She and
John Donoghue were married on March 26, 1885 in Ballyovey, Mayo, Ireland
G, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)John
Last nameDonohoe
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
OccupationShoe Maker
Marriage year1885
Marriage date26 Mar 1885
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameBallyovie
Registration districtCappaghduff
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
CountyGalway, Mayo
Spouse's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's last nameJoyce
Spouse's ageF
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's residenceTownalee
Father's first name(s)Thomas
Father's last nameDonohoe
Father's occupationShoe Maker
Spouse's father's first name(s)Martin
Spouse's father's last nameJoyce
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1885
Registration quarter yearApr - Jun 1885
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index, 1845-1958
Birth, Marriage & Death
NameJohn Donohoe
MarriageJun 1885 - Ballinrobe[Apr 1885]
(Civil)Husband Name John Donahoe Occupation Shoemaker
Husband Address Gortmore
Husband Age 26
Husband Status Batchelor Wife Name Mary Joyce
Wife Address Tournabee
Wife Age 18
Wife Status Spinster
Marriage 26 March 1885 Husband Father First Name Thomas
Husband Father Surname Donahoe
Husband Father Occupation Shoemaker
Wife Father First Name Martin
Wife Father Surname Joyce
Wife Father Occupation Farmer
Centre Name South MayoDistrict Name Cappaghduff districtWitness 1 Michael DonahoeWitness 2 Bridget JoyceReference 3-37. She died on August 14, 1893, at age 27, in Gortmore, Mayo, Ireland