McGing Lines

Person Page 5

Austin McGing

M, #101, b. about 1844, d. 1928


FatherPatrick McGing (b. 1808, d. December 20, 1884)
MotherJane Scahill (b. 1815, d. August 17, 1888)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Sarah Kilcoyne (b. 1849, d. about 1911)

DaughterJane McGing (b. February 27, 1874)
SonPatrick McGing (b. February 1, 1875)
DaughterMary McGing (b. April 9, 1877)
SonJames McGing (b. September 25, 1879)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. January 5, 1886)
DaughterBridget McGing (b. February 26, 1892)


Austin McGing was born about 1844 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Sarah Kilcoyne were married on February 11, 1873 in Carnacon Chapel, Mayo, IrelandG, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Austin
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1844
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
Marriage year1873
Marriage date20 Feb 1873
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameKilcommon
Registration districtHollymount
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
Spouse's first name(s)Sarah
Spouse's last nameKilcoyne
Spouse's age24
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's occupationSpinster
Spouse's residenceCarranacun
Father's first name(s)Pat
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father deceasedN
Spouse's father's first name(s)James
Spouse's father's last nameKilcoyne
Spouse's father's occupationBlacksmith & Farmer
Spouse's father deceasedN
Registration year1873
Registration quarter year1873
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999

Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:11-Feb-1872
Parish / District:Burriscarra RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2

Civil Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:20-Feb-1873
Parish / District:Hollymount districtCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Civil ParishCivil Parish
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
CARRANACON CHAPEL.BOTH FATHERS ALIVE. He died in 1928, at age ~84.
Listed in Ballintober, Co Mayo, Ireland Marriages as "Augustine"

DOD is a guess based on this report

Name:Austin McGing
Estimated birth year:abt 1843
Date of Registration:Oct-Nov-Dec 1928
Death Age:85
Registration district:Ballinrobe
FHL Film Number:101737
Does the Austin McGing in this record match the pe. (Research):Unable to confirm birth date or trace later in life.

1901 Irish Census
Residents of a house 2 in Rooghaun (Burriscarra, Mayo)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses
McGinn Austin 55 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmer Read and write Irish and English Married -
McGinn Sarah 50 Female Wife Roman Catholic Co Mayo - Read and write Irish and English Married -
McGinn Jane 23 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmer Read and write Irish and English Not Married -
McGinn Mary 20 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write English Not Married -
McGinn James 18 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmer Read and write Irish and English Not Married -
McGinn Maggie 15 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write Irish and English Not Married -
McGinn Bridget 10 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write English Not Married -
Report any error in transcription

1911 Irish Census
Residents of a house 3 in Rooghaun (Burriscarra, Mayo)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
Mc Ginn Austin 67 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmer Read and write Irish and English Widower - - - -
Mc Ginn James 27 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmers Son Read and write English Single - - - -
Mc Ginn Mary 29 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo - Read and write English Single - - - -
Mc Ginn Maggie 25 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo - Read and write English Single - - - -
Mc Ginn Bridget 18 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write English Single - - - -.
Last Edited November 8, 2019 19:37:00

John Coyne

M, #102
McGing Pedigree



SonAnthony Coyne+ (b. 1851, d. 1913)


John Coyne was married.
This could be John, it's a guess at this point. Obviously then Mary would be a 2nd or 3rd wife but damn, it means he had 10 kids after age 54 with a wife aged 19.

1901 Irish census
Residents of a house 5 in Gortmore (Ballinchalla, Mayo)
Show all information
SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
Coyne MaryJohn70MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmerCannot readIrishMarried-
CoyneMary35FemaleWifeRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot readIrishMarried-
CoyneNorah12FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoLace MakerRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneAnnabella10FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneAnn7FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrishNot Married-
CoyneEllenFemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot read-Not Married-
CoyneMichael2MaleSonRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneMargaret16FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoLacemakerRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneKate15FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneJohn7MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
CoyneAnthony4MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrishNot Married-
CoyneCatherine8FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Report any error in transcription.
Last Edited November 9, 2018 14:47:00

James McGing

M, #103, b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940


FatherPatrick McGing (b. 1808, d. December 20, 1884)
MotherJane Scahill (b. 1815, d. August 17, 1888)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Mary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)

SonPatrick McGing+ (b. August 26, 1884, d. June 1952)
SonThomas McGing (b. June 19, 1885, d. September 13, 1916)
SonJohn McGing (b. June 13, 1887, d. February 6, 1960)
SonMichael McGing (b. June 4, 1889, d. October 22, 1965)
SonPhilip McGing (b. June 10, 1891, d. March 29, 1917)
SonAustin McGing (b. September 20, 1892)
SonJames McGing (b. February 3, 1895, d. April 22, 1969)
SonMartin McGing (b. January 16, 1897)
SonFrancis McGing (b. April 10, 1898, d. March 19, 1939)
SonWilliam McGing (b. June 13, 1900)


James McGing was born on October 9, 1853 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He was married. He and Mary O'Malley were married on March 4, 1883 in Mayo, IrelandG, Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999

Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:04-Mar-1883
Parish / District:Islandeady RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
1/10/0. He died in February 1940, at age 86, in IrelandG.
Railway Platelayer per 1901 census

Ran Railroad Gate, lived in Gate House. Found in Irish 1901 Census
Claggarnagh East Islandeady Burrishoole Mayo Household McGing James(46) railway platelayer Mary(42) wife-Pat(17)-Thomas(16)-John(14)-Michael(12)-Phillip(10)-Austin(8)-James(6)-Martin(4)-Francis(3)-William(9mo.)

Ireland Census 1901 Transcription

First name(s) Last name Relationship to head Marital status Age Birth year Birth place
James Mc Ging Head of Family Married 46 1855 Mayo
Mary Mc Ging Wife Married 42 1859 Mayo
Pat Mc Ging Son Single 17 1884 Mayo
Thomas Mc Ging Son Single 16 1885 Mayo
John Mc Ging Son Single 14 1887 Mayo
Michael Mc Ging Son Single 12 1889 Mayo
Philip Mc Ging Son Single 10 1891 Mayo
Austin Mc Ging Son Single 8 1893 Mayo
James Mc Ging Son Single 6 1895 Mayo
Martin Mc Ging Son Single 4 1897 Mayo
Francis Mc Ging Son Single 3 1898 Mayo
William Mc Ging Son Single - - Mayo

Census details
First name(s) James
Last name Mc Ging
Relationship to head Head of Family
Marital status Married
Marital status as transcribed Married
Sex Male
Age 46
Birth year 1855
Birth place Mayo
Occupation Railway Platelayer
Townland/Street Claggarnagh East
District electoral division Islandeady
County Mayo
Religion Roman Catholic
Literacy Read and write
Irish language Irish and English
Image link
Family member first name(s) James, Mary, Pat, Thomas, John, Michael, Philip, Austin, Martin, Francis, William
Family member last name Mc Ging
Record set Ireland Census 1901
Category Census, Land & Substitutes
Subcategory Census
Collections from Ireland
National Archives of Ireland

Residents of a house 9 in Claggarnagh East (Islandeady, Mayo)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Mc Ging James 46 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Mary 42 Female Wife Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Pat 17 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Thomas 16 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging John 14 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Michael 12 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Philip 10 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Austin 8 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging James 6 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Martin 4 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging Francis 3 Male Son Roman Catholic
Mc Ging William Male Son Roman Catholic

1911 Iris Census
Residents of a house 2 in Claggarnagh, West (Islandeady, Mayo)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
McGing James 57 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
McGing Mary 53 Female Wife Roman Catholic
McGing Philip 19 Male Son Roman Catholic
McGing Austin 18 Male Son Roman Catholic
McGing James 16 Male Son Roman Catholic
McGing Martin 14 Male Son Roman Catholic
McGing Francis 13 Male Son Roman Catholic
McGing William 11 Male Son Roman Catholic. (Research):From Mary Chervenak: I came across a letter that my grandfather wrote to my mother, probably the only one that she ever got. It was dated Feb 6, 1940. In it, my grandfather says, "My uncle James McGing died last week." This must be Philip and Honor's brother, the man with the 11 sons. It must put his age at close to 100 at the time of his death.

Britain, Trade Union membership registers Transcription
Print transcription View image Attach to tree
First name(s) J
Last name Mcging
Birth year 1853
Admission year 1911
Age at admission 58
Occupation/grade Milesman
Trade Railway workers
Union branch Westport
Union name Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants
Union branch Westport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Archive Modern Records Centre
Folio or page 146
Title General Register
Dates Oct 1911-Mar 1912
Information contained Members 330001-345000
No of volumes 1
Record set Britain, Trade Union membership registers
Category Education & work
Record collection Guild & Trade Associations
Collections from

Transcription © DC Thomson Family History
Britain, Trade Union membership registers Transcription
Print transcription View image Attach to tree
First name(s) James
Last name Mcging
Birth year 1859
Admission year 1897
Age at admission 38
Occupation/grade Milesman
Trade Railway workers
Union branch Westport
Union name Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants
Union branch Westport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Archive Modern Records Centre
Folio or page 29
Title General Register
Dates Jun-Oct 1897
Information contained Members 75001-90000
No of volumes 1
Record set Britain, Trade Union membership registers.
Last Edited March 21, 2021 10:14:00

Mary O'Malley

F, #104, b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921
McGing Pedigree


Family: James McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)

SonPatrick McGing+ (b. August 26, 1884, d. June 1952)
SonThomas McGing (b. June 19, 1885, d. September 13, 1916)
SonJohn McGing (b. June 13, 1887, d. February 6, 1960)
SonMichael McGing (b. June 4, 1889, d. October 22, 1965)
SonPhilip McGing (b. June 10, 1891, d. March 29, 1917)
SonAustin McGing (b. September 20, 1892)
SonJames McGing (b. February 3, 1895, d. April 22, 1969)
SonMartin McGing (b. January 16, 1897)
SonFrancis McGing (b. April 10, 1898, d. March 19, 1939)
SonWilliam McGing (b. June 13, 1900)


Mary O'Malley was born in 1859 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. She and James McGing were married on March 4, 1883 in Mayo, IrelandG, Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999

Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:04-Mar-1883
Parish / District:Islandeady RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
1/10/0. She died on April 25, 1921, at age ~62.
(Research):This is a guess but it fits

Gravestone Inscription Record
Name: Mary McGing Date of Death: 25-Apr-1921
Age: 61 Parish / District: BURRISCARRA CIVIL PARISH
Address: County: Co. Mayo
Status: Denomination: Civil Parish / District
Occupation: Sex: Female
Graveyard: BURRISCARRA Plot No: 114
Last Edited April 29, 2017 08:04:00

Josephine Lindsey

F, #105
McGing Pedigree


Josephine Lindsey and Patrick Ronald Stewart were married on May 24, 1937.
Last Edited November 9, 2018 09:32:00

Sarah Kilcoyne

F, #106, b. 1849, d. about 1911


FatherJames Kilcoyne
McGing Pedigree


Family: Austin McGing (b. about 1844, d. 1928)

DaughterJane McGing (b. February 27, 1874)
SonPatrick McGing (b. February 1, 1875)
DaughterMary McGing (b. April 9, 1877)
SonJames McGing (b. September 25, 1879)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. January 5, 1886)
DaughterBridget McGing (b. February 26, 1892)


Sarah Kilcoyne was born in 1849 in Carnacon, Mayo, IrelandG. She and Austin McGing were married on February 11, 1873 in Carnacon Chapel, Mayo, IrelandG, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Austin
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1844
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
Marriage year1873
Marriage date20 Feb 1873
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameKilcommon
Registration districtHollymount
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
Spouse's first name(s)Sarah
Spouse's last nameKilcoyne
Spouse's age24
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's occupationSpinster
Spouse's residenceCarranacun
Father's first name(s)Pat
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father deceasedN
Spouse's father's first name(s)James
Spouse's father's last nameKilcoyne
Spouse's father's occupationBlacksmith & Farmer
Spouse's father deceasedN
Registration year1873
Registration quarter year1873
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999

Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:11-Feb-1872
Parish / District:Burriscarra RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2

Civil Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:20-Feb-1873
Parish / District:Hollymount districtCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Civil ParishCivil Parish
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
CARRANACON CHAPEL.BOTH FATHERS ALIVE. She died about 1911, at age ~62.
Only record I can find but Aglish isn't the right place.

Pretty sure this is NOT her

Church Baptism Record
Name: Sarah Kilcoyne Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 01-Jun-1853
Address: Horsepark Parish/District: Aglish RC parish
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James Kilcoyne Mother: Mary Gannon
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Madican Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Kilcoyn. (Research):Per Mary Chervenak parents were James and Mary.
Last Edited March 10, 2018 22:35:00

Patrick McGing

M, #107, b. January 14, 1888


FatherMichael McGing (b. 1856, d. May 16, 1894)
MotherMary Basquille (b. February 4, 1864, d. June 28, 1941)
McGing Pedigree


Patrick McGing was born on January 14, 1888 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He died in United StatesG.
Emigrated to US

Have no idea of what happened to him. Consider name changed to McGinn

Church Baptism Record
Name: Patrick Maguire Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 14-Jan-1888
Address: Ardara Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Maguire Mother: Mary Basquil
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: William Basquil Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Basquil
Last Edited January 5, 2018 15:26:00

Margaret Higgins

F, #108, b. 1904


FatherCharles Higgins (b. about 1865)
MotherMary Basquille (b. February 4, 1864, d. June 28, 1941)
McGing Pedigree


Margaret Higgins was born in 1904 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited November 9, 2018 14:59:00

Unknown ()

F, #109
McGing Pedigree


Unknown () and Michael McGing were married in Liverpool, Lancashire, EnglandG.
Last Edited January 22, 2010 16:53:00

Patrick McGing

M, #112, b. August 26, 1884, d. June 1952


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Francis () (b. about 1900, d. about March 1939)

DaughterMary McGing (b. about 1927, d. about December 1953)


Patrick McGing was born on August 26, 1884 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Francis () were married. He died in June 1952, at age 67, in Stepney, Middlesex, EnglandG.
Civil Birth Record
Name: Patrick McGing Date of Birth: 26-Aug-1884
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Arderry Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Civil Birth Record
Name: Patrick McGing Date of Birth: 26-Aug-1884
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Arderry Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:

England & Wales deaths 1837-2007 Transcription
Print transcription View image
First name(s) PATRICK
Last name MCGING
Gender Male
Birth day -
Birth month -
Birth year 1884
Age 68
Death quarter 2
Death year 1952
District STEPNEY
County London
Volume 5D
Page 522
Country England
Record set England & Wales deaths 1837-2007
Category Birth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
Subcategory Deaths & burials
Collections from United Kingdom
(c) brightsolid online publishing ltd. (Research):Unable to confirm birth date or trace later in life.

But this death report may be him

In England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005

Patrick McGing
Death date:Apr-May-June 1952
Death place:Stepney, London, England
Birth date:Circa 1884

Age at Death (in years): 68
GRO Reference: 1952 J Quarter in STEPNEY Volume 05D Page 522.
Last Edited September 24, 2019 15:55:00

Thomas McGing

M, #113, b. June 19, 1885, d. September 13, 1916


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Thomas McGing was born on June 19, 1885 in Arderry, Mayo, IrelandG. He died on September 13, 1916, at age 31, in FranceG.
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Thomas
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1885
Birth date19 Jun 1885
Birth placeArderry
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressArderry
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMalley
Registration year1885
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1885
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

Civil Birth Record
Name: Thomas McGing Date of Birth: 19-Jun-1885
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Arderry Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:

Church Baptism Record
Name: Thomas McGinn Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 12-Feb-1885
Address: Ardera Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGinn Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Malley Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Malley
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centre

Church Baptism Record
Name: Thomas McGinn Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 12-Feb-1885
Address: Ardera Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGinn Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Malley Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Malley
© Copyright Mayo Famil. (Research):Commonwealth war commission grave site
There is a Thomas McGinn MM, 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards died 13 September 1916, age 31 son of James and Mary McGinn of Ballinamarogue, Islandeady, Castlebar, Co. Mayo buried in Bernafay Wood British Cemetery, Somme, France

Name: MCGINN, Thomas
Regiment, Corps etc.: Grenadier Guards
Battalion etc.: 1st Battalion.
Surname: Mcginn
Forename(s): Thomas
Initials: T
Birthplace: Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Enlisted: Manchester
Rank: GDSN.
Number: 15013
Date died: 13 September 1916
How died: Died of wounds
Theatre of war: France & Flanders

Initials: T
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Private
Regiment: Grenadier Guards
Unit Text: 1st Bn.
Age: 31
Date of Death: 13/09/1916
Service No: 15013
Awards: MM
Additional information: Son of James and Mary McGinn, of Ballinamarogue, Islandeady, Castlebar, Co. Mayo.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: F. 12.

Place of birth CASTLEBAR, CO. MAYO
Service No. 15013
Date of death Wed Sep 13 1916

Serial No: 15013
Unit: 1st Battalion
Born: Castlebar, County Mayo
Enlisted: Manchester

Next of Kin: Son of James and Mary McGinn, of Ballinamore, Islandeady, Castlebar, County Mayo.
Grave or Memorial: F 12.

Notes: McGinn-Soldiers Died In The Great War+Commonwealth War Graves Commission., McGing-1901 Census.

Newspapers Books etc: There is an image with the following snippet in the Irish Independent, March 16, 1917:Mr and Mrs McGinn, Islandeady, Castlebar, who at an Athlone military parade were presented with the Military Medal awarded their son, the late Private McGinn, Grenadier Guards, who died of wounds. The same article appears in the Connaught Telegraph, 24/03/1917 and the Tuam Herald, 24/03/1917, without an image. Connaught Telegraph, 21/04/1917. Killed in Action. Brave Islandeady Men. Two Brothers Killed. A solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated on Monday last in the parish church Islandeady, for the eternal repose of the souls of two brothers named McGing, natives of the parish, who died fighting in the present world struggle for right and freedom. Both were in the firing line and considerably distinguished themselves, one receiving a posthumous honour. The celebrant was Rev E Whelan, C.C., Islandeady, deacon, Rev P Brett, C.C., Newport; sub-deacon, Rev M Hughes, Adm., Islandeady; master of ceremonies, Very Rev M canon McDonald, P.P., V.F., Newport. Father Hughes, in asking the prayers of the large congregation present for the souls of the deceased, said:The deceased, for whom the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered, were two young men-two brothers— who won and retained the respect and affection of all who knew them. Animated by a high sense of duty and an earnest feeling of patriotism they made the supreme sacrifice when their King and country called upon them. Typically Irish, warm-hearted, brave, chivalrous, they worthily upheld the traditi0onal valour of their race on the field of battle, and died a glorious death— a death worthy of the cause they upheld, and the country that gave them birth. To their worthy, grief-stricken parents we tender our profound sympathy, and ask them to take consolation from the thought that the singular virtuous lives of their brave boys have secured for them a favourable judgement at the tribunal of the Most High, but lest any stain due to human frailty might debar them from immediate entrance into heaven, where n0othing defiled can enter. I ask you to unite your deepest prayers with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and beseech Almighty God to grant them a speedy admission to Eternal Life.

Last Edited November 11, 2021 11:03:00

John McGing

M, #114, b. June 13, 1887, d. February 6, 1960


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


John McGing was born on June 13, 1887 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Mary M. Stack were married on April 4, 1942 in Detroit, Wayne County, MichiganG, MARRIED MARY STACK CHURCH OF ST.CECILIA DETROIT U.S.A,ON THE
04/04/1942 BY REV.L.H.ROCHAN.

Mr John Mc Ginn in the Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867-1952

Name:Mr John Mc Ginn
Birth Year:abt 1888
Birth Place:Ireland
Marriage Date:4 Apr 1942
Marriage Place:Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA
License County:Wayne
Residence Place:Detroit, Michigan
Mother:Mary D'Malley
Spouse:Mary Stack
County File Number:580691
State File Number:266893
Film Title:82 Wayne 266300-269589
Film Description:Wayne (Dates TBD.) He died on February 6, 1960, at age 72, in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CaliforniaG.
John McGing was also known as John McGinn. Civil Birth Record
Name: John McGing Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1887
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Ballinamorrogue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Church Baptism Record
Name: John McGing Date of Birth: 15-Jun-1887
Date of Baptism: 18-Jun-1887
Address: Ballymorrough Parish/District: Islandeady RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patt Finely Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Fury
04/04/1942 BY REV.L.H.ROCHAN.
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Name: John McGinn
Birth Date: 15 Jun 1887
Birth Place: Republic of Ireland
Claim Date: 23 Jun 1952
Type of Claim: Life Claim
Notes: 23 Jun 1952: Name listed as JOHN MCGINN

Came to US via Philadelphia 8/15/1907 and was applied for naturalization while at the mines in Montana. (Research):I have the DC, went by McGinn

From the California death records, there was a John McGinn, born 6/13/1887 whose mother's name was O'Malley. This John died in Santa Barbara on Feb 6, 1960. His SSN was 382-05-1659. I believe this to be the same person.

Was rep for seaman's union

Name: John Mcginn
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 06 Feb 1960
Event Place: Santa Barbara, California, United States
Birth Date: 13 Jun 1887
Birthplace: Ireland
Gender: Male
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Omalley

Citing this Record:
"California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), John Mcginn, 06 Feb 1960; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.

Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)John
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1887
Birth date02 Sep 1887
Birth placeBallinamarogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressBallinamarogue
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMalley
Registration year1887
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1887
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast.
Last Edited December 16, 2021 15:50:00

Michael McGing

M, #115, b. June 4, 1889, d. October 22, 1965


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Michael McGing was born on June 4, 1889 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. He died on October 22, 1965, at age 76, in Detroit, Wayne County, MichiganG. He was buried on October 27, 1965 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, Cook County, IllinoisG.
Michael McGing was also known as Michael McGinn. Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Michael
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1889
Birth date04 Jun 1889
Birth placeBallinamarogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationLabourer
Father's addressBallinamarogue
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMally
Registration year1889
Registration quarter yearApr - Jun 1889
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

Church Baptism Record
Name: Michael McGinn Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 14-Jun-1889
Address: Not Recorded Parish/District: Islandeady RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGinn Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patt Jennings Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Honor Jennings
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Civil Birth Record
Name: Michael McGing Date of Birth: 04-Jun-1889
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Ballinamorgue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Mally
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres (Research):Baptismal record: Michael to James McGINN and Mary MALLY June 7 1889

This Michael is documented with his application for a Social Security card. Got SSN May 23, 1938. resided at 1038 3rd Street, Detroit Michigan. Worked for D and C Steamship Company. Social Security information for this man shows that his parents were James McGing and Mary O'Malley. Death certificate 57389 from Michigan states he was never married. 377-14-4461.
Last Edited March 12, 2018 13:59:00

Philip McGing

M, #116, b. June 10, 1891, d. March 29, 1917


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Philip McGing was born on June 10, 1891 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. He died on March 29, 1917, at age 25, in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG.
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Philip
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1891
Birth date10 Jun 1891
Birth placeClaganagh
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressClaganagh
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMally
Registration year1891
Registration quarter yearApr - Jun 1891
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

Civil Birth Record
Name: Philip McGing Date of Birth: 10-Jun-1891
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Claganagh Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Mally
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:

Served in the RIC from 1912 until enlistment in Northern Ireland
This Philip enlisted in army but was discharged due to TB in 1916. Fits with death shortly afterwards

Philip McGing died March 1917 aged 25§ion=OldLeft

Phillip McGing
Born Islandeasy, Castlebar, Co Mayo
Examined 11/3/1925 in Dublin
Declared 24 years old
Is constable in RIC working in Ardglass County Down
6 feet 1 7/8 inches tall, 170 pounds
40 inch chest, 3 inch expansion
Passed fit for service in the field
Never married
Royal Irish Regiment 3/9768
Discharged as not likely to ?? our efficient services?
April 22, 1916
(Came down with lung disease, discharged as physically unfit)
Next of kin: Mary McGing, mother
Cloggernagh, Islandeady, Castlebar, Co Mayo

Gravestone Inscription Record
Name: Philip McGing Date of Death: 20-Mar-1917
Age: 25 Parish / District: AGHAGOWER CIVIL PARISH
Address: County: Co. Mayo
Status: Denomination: Civil Parish / District
Occupation: Sex: Male
Graveyard: AGHAGOWER 2 Plot No: 93
Notes. (Research):Found grave in the Aughagower cemetery.

Lord have mercy on the soul of
Philip McGing
died 29 March 1917
age 25

erected by his father James

Mary Chervenak stated;" I thought this belonged to the Philip McGing family in Tonlegee, but now think this Philip is a son of James McGing and Mary O'Malley of Islandeady. My Uncle John said that one of their 11 boys was buried in Aughagower cemetery. I think this is the one.

Philip McGing, "Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes, 1845-1958"
name: Philip McGing
registration district: Westport
event type: DEATHS
registration quarter and year: Apr - Jun 1917
estimated birth year: 1892
age (at death): 25
mother's maiden name:
film number: 0101607
volume number: 4
page number: 305
digital folder number: 4201711
image number: 00111
Citing this Record

"Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes, 1845-1958," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Jan 2013), Philip McGing, 1892; citing vol. 4, p. 305, General Registry, Custom House, Dublin, Ireland; FHL microfilm 0101607.

Birth: 1892
Death: Mar. 29, 1917
County Mayo, Ireland

County Mayo, Ireland

Created by: Nicola Batmaz
Record added: Sep 19, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 58892868

British Army WWI Pension Records 1914-1920 about Philip McGing
Name: Philip McGing
Gender: Male
Birth Date: abt 1891
Age: 24
Document Year: 1915
Residence Place: Ardglass Co Down
Regimental Number: 9718
Regiment Name: Royal Irish Regiment
Form Title: Short Service Attestation
Number of Images: 8
Other Records: Search for 'Philip McGing' in other WWI collections
Family Members:
Name Relation to Soldier
Philip McGing Self (Head)
Mary McGing Mother

Civil Birth Record
Name: Philip McGing Date of Birth: 10-Jun-1891
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Claganagh Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Mally
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited June 26, 2023 14:23:00

Austin McGing

M, #117, b. September 20, 1892


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Austin McGing was born on September 20, 1892 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG.
Reportedly went to Butte with brothers (Austin, Martin and FRancis). Not sure where they ended up. (Research):Civil Birth Record
Name: Austin McGing Date of Birth: 20-Sep-1892
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Greenhills Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Mally
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Last Edited March 21, 2021 10:14:00

Mary Garrick

F, #118, b. June 30, 1878, d. February 10, 1924


FatherMatthew Garrick (d. before 1919)
MotherBridget Keadin
McGing Pedigree


Family: Austin McGing (b. January 10, 1883, d. April 12, 1939)

SonAustin Matthew McGinn (b. March 24, 1920, d. January 1989)


Mary Garrick was born on June 30, 1878 in Roscommon, Roscommon, IrelandG. She and Austin McGing were married on January 11, 1919 in St Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church, Liverpool, Lancashire, EnglandG, I have the marriage cert. Witness was P McGinn and Mary Green. She died on February 10, 1924, at age 45, in West Derby, Lancashire, EnglandG.
1921 UK Census

First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGinn
Birth year1885
Census date19 June 1921
Age in years36
Age as transcribed36 y
Relationship to headWife
Marital statusMarried
Birth place-
Transcribed birth placeRallymurry, Rossammon
Place of workAt Home
Language used to complete formEnglish
Person making returnAustin McGinn
House number41
StreetKirk Street, Bootle
Address41 Kirk Street, Bootle
Full address as transcribed41 Kirk Street, Bootle
ParishBootle cum Linacre
Registration districtWest Derby
Registration district number455
Sub-district number5
Enumeration district number11
ArchiveThe National Archives
Archive seriesRG 15
Piece number17618
Schedule number363
Schedule type codeE
Schedule typeEngland household, single page, 10 entries
District referenceRD 455 RS 5 ED 11
Other household member's first name(s)Austin, Edward
Other household member's last nameMcGinn, Kilcoyne
Record set1921 Census Of England & Wales
CategoryCensus, land & surveys
Collections fromGreat Britain, England. (Research):I have death cert. Lived at 41 Kirk St.

Church Baptism Record
Name:Mary GarickDate of Birth:
Date of Baptism:30-Jun-1878
Gender:FemaleCountyCo. Roscommon
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:Matthew GarickMother:Brigid Keadin
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:Thomas Killion
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:Catherine Keadin
© 2021 Copyright County Roscommon Heritage & Genealogy Company
View Microfilm of Parish Register.
Last Edited January 14, 2022 14:10:00

James McGing

M, #119, b. February 3, 1895, d. April 22, 1969


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


James McGing was born on February 3, 1895 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Bridget Walsh were married on March 1, 1930 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)James
Last nameMcGing
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
OccupationRailway Employe
Marriage year1930
Marriage date26 Feb 1930
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameIslandeady
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Spouse's first name(s)Bridget
Spouse's last nameWalsh
Spouse's ageF
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's occupationFarmer's Daughter
Spouse's residenceBallinamarroge
Father's first name(s)John
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's father's last nameWalsh
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1931
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1931
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

SR District/Reg Area - Westport

Marriage of Bridget Walsh and James McGing
on 01 March 1930
Party 1 NameBridget Walsh
Party 2 NameJames McGing
Date of Event01 March 1930
Group Registration ID1349009
SR District/Reg AreaWestport. He died on April 22, 1969, at age 74, in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG.
Remained in Fairhill at the railway

Buried Here:

Bridget McGing from Cloggernagh died April 1969

James McGing from Cloggernagh died April 1969§ion=A

Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)James
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1895
Birth date03 Feb 1895
Birth placeBallinamorrogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationLabourer
Father's addressBallinamorrogue
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMalley
Registration year1895
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1895
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland

No. 70
In Loving memory of | JAMES McGING | Cloggmigh? | Died 22 April 1969 |
His wife BRIDGET | Died 3th April 1969 | (base stone) McGING (worn
stone.) (Research):Church Baptism Record
Name: James McGing Date of Birth: 23-Dec-1894
Date of Baptism: 25-Dec-1894
Address: Ballinamarroge Parish/District: Islandeady RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Owen O'Malley Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Mrs. O'Malley
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Civil Birth Record
Name: James McGing Date of Birth: 03-Feb-1895
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Ballinamorrogue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

1894 James to James McGING and Mary MALLEY December 23 (Baptism) Ballynamarroge

Unable to trace later in life.

Railwayman in Islandeady

Britain, Trade Union membership registers Transcription

First name(s) James
Last name Mcging
Birth year 1896
Admission year 1919
Age at admission 23
Occupation/grade Platelayer
Trade Railway workers
Union branch Westport
Union name National Union of Railwaymen
Union branch Westport
County Mayo
Country Ireland
Archive Modern Records Centre
Folio or page 216
Title General Register
Dates Nov 1918-Jan 1919
Information contained Members 898001-913000
No of volumes 1
Record set Britain, Trade Union membership registers
Category Education & work
Record collection Guild & Trade Associations. James McGing was christened on December 23, 1894.
Last Edited May 15, 2022 18:37:00

Martin McGing

M, #120, b. January 16, 1897


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Martin McGing was born on January 16, 1897 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG.
Reportedly went to Butte with brothers (Austin, Martin and FRancis). Not sure where they ended up.

Once had him listed as died in WW1 in Greece but UK records say that Martin was 36 years at enlistment in 1914. (Research):Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Martin
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1897
Birth date16 Jan 1897
Birth placeBallinamorrogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationLabourer
Father's addressBallinamorrogue
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMalley
Registration year1897
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1897
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast

There is a Martin McGing born about 1897 who died at age 60 September 5, 1957 and buried in Aughagower Cemetery. Could it be this man?

Civil Birth Record
Name: Martin McGing Date of Birth: 16-Jan-1897
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Ballinamorroge Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited January 10, 2025 12:40:00

Francis McGing

M, #121, b. April 10, 1898, d. March 19, 1939


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


Francis McGing was born on April 10, 1898 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG. He died on March 19, 1939, at age 40, in Stepney, Middlesex, EnglandG.
Reportedly went to Butte with brothers (Austin, Martin and FRancis). Not sure where they ended up.

Britain, Trade Union membership registers Transcription
Print transcription View image Attach to tree
First name(s) Frank
Last name Mcging
Birth year 1900
Admission year 1919
Age at admission 19
Occupation/grade Porter
Trade Railway workers
Union branch Collooney
Union name National Union of Railwaymen
Union branch Collooney
County Sligo
Country Ireland
Archive Modern Records Centre
Folio or page 95
Title General Register
Dates Jan-Feb 1919
Information contained Members 913001-928000
No of volumes 1
Record set Britain, Trade Union membership registers
Category Education & work
Record collection Guild & Trade Associations
Collections from Great B

Merchant Seamen Transcription
Learn more

Print transcription View image Attach to tree
First name(s) FRANCIS
Last name Mcging
Age -
Birth year 1900
Birth day 10
Birth month April
Birth place Dublin
Birth county Dublin
Discharge number R 66097
Identity certificate number -
Card type CR2
Date range 1921-1941
Series BT348
Piece number 1
Record set Merchant Navy Seamen
Category Education & work
Record collection Merchant navy & maritime
Collections from Great Britain

Francis McGing of Chhurch Army Hotel Johnson Street Stepney E.1, a Seaman died 19/3/1939 at St. Peter's Hospital age 39 (S.D. Whitechapel) Inft. W.G. Sears Chief Resident Officer, St. Peters Hospital LC 270 A.54

Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Francis
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1898
Birth date17 Apr 1898
Birth placeBallinamarogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationLabourer
Father's addressBallinamarogue
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMalley
Registration year1898
Registration quarter yearApr - Jun 1898
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast. (Research):Civil Birth Record
Name: Francis McGing Date of Birth: 17-Apr-1898
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Ballinamorrogue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centre

Unable to confirm birth date or trace later in life.

possibly a seaman

Francis Mcging, "United Kingdom, Merchant Navy Seamen Records, 1835-1941"
Back to search results
No image available
Search collection
About this collection
name: Francis Mcging
event type: Military Service
event year range: 1921-1941
event place: United Kingdom
birthplace: Dublin
birth year: 1900
film number:
digital folder number:

Merchant Seamen Transcription
Learn more

Print transcription View image Attach to tree
First name(s) FRANCIS
Last name Mcging
Age -
Birth year 1900
Birth day 10
Birth month April
Birth place Dublin
Birth county Dublin
Discharge number R 66097
Identity certificate number -
Card type CR1
Date range 1921-1941
Series BT349
Piece number -
Record set Merchant Navy Seamen
Category Education & work
Record collection Merchant navy & maritime
Collections from United Kingdom

Age at Death (in years): 39
GRO Reference: 1939 M Quarter in STEPNEY Volume 01C Page 270.
Last Edited March 10, 2018 12:33:00

William McGing

M, #122, b. June 13, 1900


FatherJames McGing (b. October 9, 1853, d. February 1940)
MotherMary O'Malley (b. 1859, d. April 25, 1921)
McGing Pedigree


William McGing was born on June 13, 1900 in Islandeady, Mayo, IrelandG.
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)William
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1900
Birth date12 Jun 1900
Birth placeGreenhills
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)James
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupation???man
Father's addressGreenhills
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameNealley
Registration year1900
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1900
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland

Came to US on SS Altio to NYC on 7/1/1925 at age 25 and stayed with cousin John Noble 1211 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn NY

In Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957

William McGing
Birth:Circa 1900 Great Britain
Arrival:1925 New York, New York, United States
Relative in country of origin:James McGing (Father)
Relative joined in the U.S.:John Noble (Cousin)
Line:15. (Research):Civil Birth Record
Name: William McGing Date of Birth: 13-Jun-1900
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Greenhills Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: James McGing Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres

Church Baptism Record
Name: William McGinn Date of Birth: 13-Jun-1900
Date of Baptism: 14-Jun-1900
Address: Greenhills Parish/District: Islandeady RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: James McGinn Mother: Mary Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Clarke Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Bridget Clarke
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited March 11, 2018 22:44:00

Sarah McGing

F, #123, b. May 23, 1858, d. March 4, 1941


FatherThomas McGing (b. 1820)
MotherBridget Thornton (b. 1820)
McGing Pedigree


Family: John McGing (b. September 1, 1861, d. 1908)

DaughterCatherine McGing (b. July 27, 1882)
DaughterBridget McGing (b. September 1, 1884)
SonJohn McGing (b. June 4, 1887)
SonJohn McGing+ (b. September 2, 1889, d. July 23, 1932)
SonThomas McGing (b. November 1, 1889, d. December 1, 1889)
DaughterMary McGing (b. November 2, 1889, d. December 15, 1889)
DaughterAnne McGing (b. about February 1891, d. April 20, 1891)
DaughterMary McGing (b. January 12, 1892, d. March 23, 1974)
DaughterMargaret McGing (b. January 12, 1892, d. March 1, 1892)
DaughterSarah McGing (b. November 5, 1894, d. February 12, 1920)
SonPatrick McGing (b. June 2, 1898, d. June 5, 1921)
SonMartin McGing (b. December 20, 1901, d. 1980)


Sarah McGing was born on May 23, 1858 in Kinuary, Mayo, IrelandG. She and John McGing were married on July 4, 1881 in Burriscarra, Mayo, IrelandG, Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:04-Jul-1881
Parish / District:Burriscarra RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres She died on March 4, 1941, at age 82.
Church Baptism Record
Name: Sarah McGin Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 23-May-1858
Address: Kennury Parish/District: Burriscarra RC parish
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Thomas McGin Mother: Bridget Lynan
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Margaret McGin Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres. (Research):Not sure if same person

Gravestone Inscription Record
Name: Sarah McGing Date of Death: 17-Mar-1940
Age: Parish / District: OUGHAVAL CIVIL PARISH
Address: County: Co. Mayo
Status: Denomination: Civil Parish / District
Occupation: Sex: Female
Graveyard: AUGHAVALE Plot No: B 291
Last Edited July 25, 2023 16:32:00

John Sheridan

M, #124, b. about 1825, d. October 23, 1897
McGing Pedigree


Family: Mary McGing (b. 1836, d. October 24, 1926)

SonMartin Sheridan+ (d. January 14, 1943)
SonJohn Sheridan (b. 1880)


John Sheridan was born about 1825 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. He and Mary McGing were married on February 5, 1859 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG, Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999
Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:05-Feb-1859
Parish / District:Aghagower RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres. He died on October 23, 1897, at age ~72, in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG.
Dates taken from headstone.
Last Edited June 4, 2016 15:16:00

John Sheridan

M, #125, b. 1880


FatherJohn Sheridan (b. about 1825, d. October 23, 1897)
MotherMary McGing (b. 1836, d. October 24, 1926)
McGing Pedigree


John Sheridan was born in 1880. He and Kate Forkan were married about 1909.
(Research):Unable to confirm birth date or trace later in life.

Total guess, but... 1911 census

Residents of a house 2 in Knockbrack (Ardlee, Mayo)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Sheridan John 29 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
Sheridan Kate 29 Female Wife Roman Catholic
Sheridan Thomas 1 Male Son Roman Catholic
Forkan Michael 73 Male Father in Law Roman Catholic
Forkan Ellen 68 Female Mother in Law Roman Catholic.
Last Edited November 15, 2014 23:19:00