McGing Lines

Person Page 670

Bridget King

F, #16726, b. 1880, d. 1880


FatherPatrick King (b. 1840, d. 1898)
MotherBridget Collins (b. 1846, d. 1927)
McGing Pedigree


Bridget King was born in 1880 in Glenmask, Mayo, IrelandG. She died in 1880, at age ~0, in Glenmask, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:51:00

Patrick King

M, #16727, b. 1881


FatherPatrick King (b. 1840, d. 1898)
MotherBridget Collins (b. 1846, d. 1927)
McGing Pedigree


Patrick King was born in 1881 in Glenmask, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:51:00

Ann King

F, #16728


FatherThomas King (b. 1785)
McGing Pedigree


Ann King was born in Inishboffin, MayoG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:52:00

Mary King

F, #16729


FatherThomas King (b. 1785)
McGing Pedigree


Mary King was born in Inishboffin, MayoG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:52:00

Bridget King

F, #16730


FatherPatrick King (b. 1815, d. 1901)
MotherMary Staunton (b. 1813, d. 1873)
McGing Pedigree
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:53:00

Anne King

F, #16731, b. 1838


FatherPatrick King (b. 1815, d. 1901)
MotherMary Staunton (b. 1813, d. 1873)
McGing Pedigree


Anne King was born in 1838 in Croaghrim, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 09:53:00

Patrick King

M, #16732, b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936


FatherPatrick King (b. 1815, d. 1901)
MotherMary Staunton (b. 1813, d. 1873)
McGing Pedigree


Family 1: Catherine Heneghan (b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872)

SonMichael King (b. September 22, 1865)
SonJames King+ (b. July 1, 1866, d. 1967)
SonThomas King (b. February 7, 1868)
DaughterBridget King (b. January 10, 1869)
DaughterEllen King (b. September 18, 1870, d. August 18, 1879)

Family 2: Margaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)

SonPatrick King (b. January 14, 1874, d. October 22, 1919)
DaughterMary King (b. April 22, 1876)
DaughterAnn King+ (b. September 25, 1878, d. December 27, 1964)
SonMichael King+ (b. April 26, 1881, d. 1960)
DaughterHonor King (b. May 30, 1883, d. February 10, 1970)
DaughterSarah King (b. June 23, 1885, d. 1973)
DaughterCatherine King (b. November 27, 1886, d. March 14, 1973)
SonJohn King (b. July 5, 1889, d. August 26, 1950)
DaughterEllen King (b. August 30, 1891)


Patrick King was born in 1841 in Croaghrim, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Catherine Heneghan were married on November 3, 1864 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. He and Margaret Gildea were married on July 3, 1872 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. He died on March 1, 1936, at age ~95, in Leenane, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:03:00

Catherine Heneghan

F, #16733, b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872
McGing Pedigree


Family: Patrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)

SonMichael King (b. September 22, 1865)
SonJames King+ (b. July 1, 1866, d. 1967)
SonThomas King (b. February 7, 1868)
DaughterBridget King (b. January 10, 1869)
DaughterEllen King (b. September 18, 1870, d. August 18, 1879)


Catherine Heneghan was born in 1842 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She and Patrick King were married on November 3, 1864 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. She died on March 25, 1872, at age ~30, in Srah, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:20:00

Margaret Gildea

F, #16734, b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913
McGing Pedigree


Family: Patrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)

SonPatrick King (b. January 14, 1874, d. October 22, 1919)
DaughterMary King (b. April 22, 1876)
DaughterAnn King+ (b. September 25, 1878, d. December 27, 1964)
SonMichael King+ (b. April 26, 1881, d. 1960)
DaughterHonor King (b. May 30, 1883, d. February 10, 1970)
DaughterSarah King (b. June 23, 1885, d. 1973)
DaughterCatherine King (b. November 27, 1886, d. March 14, 1973)
SonJohn King (b. July 5, 1889, d. August 26, 1950)
DaughterEllen King (b. August 30, 1891)


Margaret Gildea was born in 1854 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. She and Patrick King were married on July 3, 1872 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. She died on December 25, 1913, at age ~59, in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:03:00

Michael King

M, #16735, b. September 22, 1865


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherCatherine Heneghan (b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872)
McGing Pedigree


Michael King was born on September 22, 1865 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:04:00

James King

M, #16736, b. July 1, 1866, d. 1967


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherCatherine Heneghan (b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Catherine McNeely (b. May 8, 1866, d. 1951)

DaughterMargaret King (b. January 23, 1889)
DaughterBridget King (b. 1891)
SonAustin King+ (b. October 8, 1893, d. May 28, 1982)
DaughterMary King (b. 1896)
SonJames King (b. 1900, d. April 20, 1908)
SonPatrick King (b. 1902)
SonJohn King (b. 1906)


James King was born on July 1, 1866 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Catherine McNeely were married on November 23, 1888 in Cappaghduff, Mayo, IrelandG. He died in 1967, at age ~101, in Mayo, IrelandG.
1901 Irish Census

Residents of a house 17 in Glenmask (Cappaduff, Mayo)

SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
Mc NeelyMargaret80FemaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot readIrish and EnglishWidow-
KingJames33MaleSon in LawRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmer Boot and ShoemakerRead and writeIrish and EnglishMarried-
KingCathrine29FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Read and writeIrish and EnglishMarried-
KingMargaret12FemaleGrand DaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
KingBridget10FemaleGrand DaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
KingAustin8MaleGrand SonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
KingMary5FemaleGrand DaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead only-Not Married-
KingJames1MaleGrand SonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot read-Not Married-.
Last Edited September 12, 2022 14:16:00

Bridget King

F, #16737, b. January 10, 1869


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherCatherine Heneghan (b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872)
McGing Pedigree


Bridget King was born on January 10, 1869 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:07:00

Ellen King

F, #16738, b. September 18, 1870, d. August 18, 1879


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherCatherine Heneghan (b. 1842, d. March 25, 1872)
McGing Pedigree


Ellen King was born on September 18, 1870 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She died on August 18, 1879, at age 8, in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:08:00

Patrick King

M, #16739, b. January 14, 1874, d. October 22, 1919


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Patrick King was born on January 14, 1874 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. He died on October 22, 1919, at age 45, in Dover, New HampshireG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:09:00

Mary King

F, #16740, b. April 22, 1876


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Mary King was born on April 22, 1876 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She and George Washington Flowers were married in 1900 in Dover, New HampshireG. She died in Dover, New HampshireG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:10:00

George Washington Flowers

M, #16741, b. 1882
McGing Pedigree


George Washington Flowers was born in 1882 in Nova Scotia, CanadaG. He and Mary King were married in 1900 in Dover, New HampshireG. He died in Dover, New HampshireG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:10:00

Ann King

F, #16742, b. September 25, 1878, d. December 27, 1964


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Family: James McNeely (b. July 20, 1878, d. June 29, 1956)

SonPatrick McNeely (b. January 17, 1911, d. September 2, 1997)


Ann King was born on September 25, 1878 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She and James McNeely were married on December 19, 1909 in Bannockburn, Stirlingshire, ScotlandG. She died on December 27, 1964, at age 86, in Croaghrim, Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:13:00

Michael King

M, #16743, b. April 26, 1881, d. 1960


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Catherine Scahill (b. 1880, d. November 26, 1946)

DaughterNorah King (b. 1911)
SonJohn P. King (b. August 30, 1912, d. April 29, 2002)
DaughterCatherine King (b. February 15, 1915, d. November 28, 2001)


Michael King was born on April 26, 1881 in Srah, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Catherine Scahill were married on September 7, 1909 in New Hampshire, UNited StatesG. He died in 1960, at age ~79, in Dover, New HampshireG.
Last Edited September 29, 2022 22:12:00

Catherine Scahill

F, #16744, b. 1880, d. November 26, 1946


FatherJohn Scahill (b. October 20, 1831)
MotherNora Lydon (b. 1846, d. 1919)
McGing Pedigree


Family: Michael King (b. April 26, 1881, d. 1960)

DaughterNorah King (b. 1911)
SonJohn P. King (b. August 30, 1912, d. April 29, 2002)
DaughterCatherine King (b. February 15, 1915, d. November 28, 2001)


Catherine Scahill was born in 1880 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. She and Michael King were married on September 7, 1909 in New Hampshire, UNited StatesG. She died on November 26, 1946, at age ~66, in Dover, New HampshireG.
(Research):Name:Catherine King
[Catherine Scahill]
Birth Date:abt 1880
Death Date:26 Nov 1946
Death Place:Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire
Death Age:66
Father Name:John Scahill
Mother Name:Nora Ludden
Spouse Name:Michael A King
Spouse Gender:Male
Event Type:Death
FHL Film Number:2295723

Church Baptism Record
Name:Catherine ScahilDate of Birth:
Date of Baptism:21-Apr-1880
Address:Not RecordedParish/District:Aghagower RC parish
Gender:FemaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:John ScahilMother:Honor Ludden
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:John Scahil
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:Mary Keane
2/8.5 MARRIED ON THE 07/NL/1909
© 2021 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
View Microfilm of Parish Register

Civil Birth Record
Name:Catherine ScahillDate of Birth:25-May-1880
Registration Date:
Address:Lower CarveyParish/District:Westport district
Gender:FemaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Civil Parish
Father:John ScahillMother:Honor Louden
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© 2021 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Last Edited September 29, 2022 22:12:00

Honor King

F, #16745, b. May 30, 1883, d. February 10, 1970


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Honor King was born on May 30, 1883 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She and Whelan were married. She died on February 10, 1970, at age 86, in Lawrence, MassachusettsG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:16:00


M, #16746
McGing Pedigree


Whelan was born in MassachusettsG. He and Honor King were married. He died in MassachusettsG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:16:00

Sarah King

F, #16747, b. June 23, 1885, d. 1973


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Sarah King was born on June 23, 1885 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She died in 1973, at age ~88, in Dover, New HampshireG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:16:00

Catherine King

F, #16748, b. November 27, 1886, d. March 14, 1973


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


Catherine King was born on November 27, 1886 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. She died on March 14, 1973, at age 86, in Lawrence, MassachusettsG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:17:00

John King

M, #16749, b. July 5, 1889, d. August 26, 1950


FatherPatrick King (b. 1841, d. March 1, 1936)
MotherMargaret Gildea (b. 1854, d. December 25, 1913)
McGing Pedigree


John King was born on July 5, 1889 in Sraheen, Mayo, IrelandG. He and Margaret Walsh were married on June 20, 1920 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. He died on August 26, 1950, at age 61, in Galway, Galway, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:19:00

Margaret Walsh

F, #16750, b. August 1, 1896, d. May 7, 1977
McGing Pedigree


Margaret Walsh was born on August 1, 1896 in Liscarney, Mayo, IrelandG. She and John King were married on June 20, 1920 in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG. She died on May 7, 1977, at age 80, in Aghagower. Mayo, IrelandG.
Last Edited March 6, 2021 10:19:00