Michael Sheridan
M, #126, b. January 1859, d. 1940
Family: Jane McGing (b. 1861, d. December 25, 1935)
Son | Patrick Sheridan (b. March 1, 1888, d. February 2, 1911) |
Daughter | Mary Sheridan (b. August 25, 1889) |
Son | John Sheridan (b. December 4, 1891) |
Son | Thomas Sheridan (b. December 25, 1893, d. about 1965) |
Son | Michael Sheridan+ (b. January 6, 1896, d. July 13, 1981) |
Son | Austin Sheridan+ (b. August 26, 1897, d. July 16, 1977) |
Son | James Sheridan+ (b. April 8, 1899) |
Daughter | Margaret Sheridan+ (b. March 18, 1901, d. September 13, 1939) |
Michael Sheridan was born in January 1859 in Sraheen, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Jane McGing were married on April 14, 1887 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G, Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999
https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/marriage_returns/marriages_1887/10805/5940761.pdf. He died in 1940, at age ~81.
Michael Sheridan was also known as Mickey Sheridan. 1901
Residents of a house 29 in Sraheen (Aghagewer South, Mayo)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Sheridan Michael 42 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
Sheridan Jane 39 Female Wife Roman Catholic
Sheridan Patrick 13 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Thomas 7 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Michael 5 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Austin 3 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan James 2 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Margt Female Daughter Roman Catholic
Residents of a house 24 in Sraheen (Aughagower, South, Mayo)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Sheridan Michael 54 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic
Sheridan Jane 49 Female Wife Roman Catholic
Sheridan Thomas 16 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Michael 15 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Austin 13 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan James 11 Male Son Roman Catholic
Sheridan Margaret 9 Female Daughter Roman Catholic.
Last Edited |
July 4, 2023 08:19:00 |
James Sheridan
M, #127, b. April 8, 1899
James Sheridan was born on April 8, 1899 in Sraheen, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Mary McGuire were married on October 27, 1920 in Manhattan, New York City, New York
G, Name:James Sheridan
Titles and Terms:
Event Type:Marriage
Event Date:27 Oct 1920
Event Place:Manhattan, New York, New York, United States
Registration Date:
Registration Year:
Registration Place:
Marital Status:Single
Previous Wife's Name:
Birth Date:
Birth Year (Estimated):1899
Birthplace:Co. Mayo, Ireland
Father's Name:Michael Sheridan
Father's Titles and Terms:
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name:Jane Mcging
Mother's Titles and Terms:
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Paternal Grandfather's Name:
Paternal Grandmother's Name:
Maternal Grandfather's Name:
Maternal Grandmother's Name:
Spouse's Name:Mary Mcguire
Spouse's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Gender:Female
Spouse's Age:23
Spouse's Marital Status:Single
Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:
Spouse's Race:White
Spouse's Birth Date:
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated):1897
Spouse's Birthplace:Co. Mayo, Ireland
Spouse's Father's Name:James Mcguire
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Mother's Name:Catherine Dormody
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms:
Spouse's Paternal Grandfather's Name:
Spouse's Paternal Grandmother's Name:
Spouse's Maternal Grandfather's Name:
Spouse's Maternal Grandmother's Name:
Reference ID:cn 30657
GS Film Number:1643992
Frame Number:
Citing this Record:
"New York, New York City Marriage Records, 1866-1938," index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:24WS-82F : accessed 13 April 2015), Jane Mcging in entry for James Sheridan and Mary Mcguire, 27 Oct 1920; citing Marriage, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York City Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm .
First name(s)James
Last nameSheridan
Marital statusSingle
Birth year1899
Birth placeCo. Mayo, Ireland
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameSheridan
Mother's first name(s)Jane
Mother's last nameMcGing
Event date27 Oct 1920
PlaceManhattan, New York, United States
CountyNew York
StateNew York
CountryUnited States
Spouse's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's last nameMcGuire
Spouse's raceWhite
Spouse's marital statusSingle
Spouse's age23
Spouse's birth year1897
Spouse's birth placeCo. Mayo, Ireland
Spouse's father's first name(s)James
Spouse's father's last nameMcguire
Spouse's mother's first name(s)Catherine
Spouse's mother's last nameDormody
FamilySearch film number001643992
Record setUnited States Marriages
CategoryBirth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromAmericas, United States.
Civil Birth Record
Name: James Sheridan Date of Birth: 27-Apr-1899
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Sraheen Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Sheridan Mother: Jane McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Church Baptism Record
Name: James Sheridan Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 08-Apr-1899
Address: Shraheens Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Sheridan Mother: Jane McGinn
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Michael Fadian Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Mary Duffy
2/8.5. (Research):
Worked for the Chicago and Northwestrn Railroad. Lived at 1553 Lexington Ave, NYC. Statred there in June 1949 on labor gang.
Last Edited |
June 17, 2023 21:04:00 |
Margaret Sheridan
F, #128, b. March 18, 1901, d. September 13, 1939
Margaret Sheridan was born on March 18, 1901 in Sraheen, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
Patrick Darky McGuire were married on January 29, 1924 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G. She died on September 13, 1939, at age 38, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Civil Birth Record
Name: Margaret Sheridan Date of Birth: 18-Mar-1901
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Sraheen Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Sheridan Mother: Jane McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Church Baptism Record
Name: Margaret Sheridan Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 13-Mar-1901
Address: Shraheens Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Sheridan Mother: Jane McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Martin Fadian Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Mary Duffy
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited |
June 3, 2023 14:03:00 |
Patrick Darky McGuire
M, #129, b. September 29, 1896, d. October 18, 1977
Patrick Darky McGuire was born on September 29, 1896 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Margaret Sheridan were married on January 29, 1924 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on October 18, 1977, at age 81, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Patrick Darky McGuire was also known as Darky McGuire. 1901 Irish Census
Residents of a house 5 in Raigh (Slievemahanagh, Mayo)
Show all information
SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
McGuireJames55MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmerRead and write-Married-
McGuireBridget29FemaleWifeRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Read and writeIrish and EnglishMarried-
McGuireMary7FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot read-Not Married-
McGuireCatherine5FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot read-Not Married-
McGuirePatrick3MaleSonRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot read-Not Married-
McGuireJohn1MaleSonRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot read-Not Married-
1911 Irish Census
Residents of a house 5 in Raigh (Slievemahanagh, Mayo)
SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified IllnessesYears MarriedChildren BornChildren Living
McGuireJames57MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmerRead and writeEnglish and IrishMarried----
McGuireBridget43FemaleWifeRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Read and writeEnglish and IrishMarried-1865
McGuireMary17FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoLace MakerRead and writeEnglishSingle----
McGuireKate16FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmer's DaughterRead and writeEnglishSingle----
McGuirePatrick15MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmer's SonRead and writeEnglishSingle----
McGuireJohn11MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeEnglishSingle----
McGuireJane7FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot read or writeEnglishSingle----
Report any error in transcription. (Research):Church Baptism Record
Name:Patrick MaguireDate of Birth:29-Sep-1896
Date of Baptism:01-Oct-1896
Address:RoyParish/District:Aghagower RC parish
Gender:MaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:Patrick MaguireMother:Bridget Maley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:Patrick Duffy
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:Mary Duffy
© 2022 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Civil Birth Record
Name:Patrick McguireDate of Birth:22-Dec-1896
Registration Date:
Address:RaighParish/District:Westport district
Gender:MaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Civil Parish
Father:James McguireMother:Bridget Malley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
Last Edited |
February 3, 2023 12:28:00 |
Boy McGuire
M, #130
Last Edited |
May 11, 2020 20:19:00 |
Female Gavin
F, #131
Female Gavin and
Boy McGuire were married in Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
March 1, 2016 16:02:00 |
Bridget McGing
F, #132, b. January 25, 1896, d. 1950
Bridget McGing was born on January 25, 1896 in Churchfield, Mayo, Ireland
G. She died in 1950, at age ~54, in Texas
Bridget McGing was also known as Bridget McGing. Https://civilrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords/images/birth_returns/births_1896/02179/1824857.pdf
Per Aunt Ann - Lived and married in Texas. Left for the US in 1911. She kept in touch until WW2. She had married and lived in Austin, Texas. She did not know where Jane was as that time.
1920 US Census could be her
Bridget Mcging
Gender: Female
Birth: Circa 1896 Ireland
Residence: 1920 Chicago Precinct 29 Ward 6, Cook, Illinois, USA
Age: 24
Marital status: Single
Immigration: 1917
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Can read: Yes
Can write: Yes
Township: Chicago Precinct 29 Ward 6 Sheet: 2-A
County: Cook Family: 25
State: Illinois Line: 29
Date: 1920 Image: 785
Relation to head Name Age
Head John S Rydell 70
Daughter Julia Rydell 44
Son Flavius W Rydell 28
Daughter-in-Law Margaret Rydell 24
Maid Bridget Mcging 24
Name:Brigid Mcging
Event Type:Immigration
Event Date:1929
Event Place:New York, New York, United States
Birth Year (Estimated):1896
Ship Name:Scythia
Affiliate Publication Number:T715
Affiliate Publication Title:Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957.
Affiliate Film Number:4595
GS Film Number:1756333
Digital Folder Number:004863077
Image Number:01051
Citing this Record:
"New York, New York Passenger and Crew Lists, 1909, 1925-1957," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:24FS-BH2 : 12 March 2018), Brigid Mcging, 1929; citing Immigration, New York, New York, United States, NARA microfilm publication T715 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
1930 US Census could be her
Bridgett Mc Ging
Gender: Female
Birth: Circa 1896 Ireland
Residence: 1930 Chicago (Districts 0001-0250), Cook, Illinois, USA
Age: 34
Marital status: Single
Immigration: 1916
Race: White
Language: English
Father's birth place: Ireland
Mother's birth place: Ireland
Township: Chicago (Districts 0001-0250) Enum. District: 0210 Line: 20
County: Cook Series: T626 Image: 93
State: Illinois Roll: 423
Date: 1930 Sheet: 23-A
Relation to head Name Age
Head Edward J Lawler 49
Wife Sarah Lawler 47
Son Edward J Lawler 21
Daughter Sarah Lawler 20
Son Thomas G Lawler 16
Son John A B Lawler 14
Daughter Patricia Lawler 9
Maid Josephine Brown 58
Maid Bridgett Mc Ging 34
Maid Anna Martin 29. (Research):In a probate filing for Jane McGing dated 1968. Thomas McGing (brother) stated that Bridget had not been heard from for over 45 years by family members.
Civil Birth Record
Name: Bridget McGing Date of Birth: 01-Jan-1896
Registration Date: 25-Jan-1896
Address: Churchfield Co Galway Parish/District: Cappaghduff district
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Philip McGing Mother: Nappy Morran
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Austin MacGing Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Ellisislandrecords.org has a record of a Birdie McGinn, who came from Churchville Ireland. This woman came over steerage class on the ship St. Louis on November 5, 1916 and stayed with her sister Jane, who also paid her fare. Jane McGinn is shown as living at 455 W 50 (or 59th) St, New York City. Birdie is shown as being 5 feet 2 inches tall, with dark hair, dark complexion and grey eyes. Could this be our 2 sisters, hooking up before each went out West?
November 5, 1916 Bridget McGinn, age 20 and listed as single, arrived in New York City on the Ship St. Louis, having sailed steerage from Liverpool. Churchville Ireland is listed as place of residence and as place of birth. Her sister paid her fare, and her destination was New York, where she would stay with her sister Jane McGinn, 455 W 50 (or 59th) St, New York City. She is listed as being 5 feet 2 inches tall, with a dark complexion, dark hair and grey eyes.Here is some
Travis County Texas, where Austin is located, has no records under McGing or McGinn of a marriage certificate being issued. (Letter dated 5/16/01)
1901 Irish Census
Census details
First name(s) Bridget
Last name McGing
Relationship to head Daughter
Marital status Single
Marital status as transcribed Not Married
Sex Female
Age 7
Birth year 1894
Birth place Mayo
Occupation Scholar
Townland/Street Churchfield Lower
District electoral division Ballinchalla
County Mayo
Religion R Catholic
Literacy Read only
Irish language English only
Image link http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Mayo/Ballinchalla/Churchfield_Lower/1576487/
Family member first name(s) Philip, Nappy, Mary, John, Jane, Martin, Bridget, Thomas, Penelopa, Francis
Family member last name McGing
Record set Ireland Census 1901
Category Census, Land & Substitutes
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Bridget
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1896
Birth date01 Jan 1896
Birth placeChurchfield Galway
Registration districtCappaghduff
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
CountyGalway, Mayo
Father's first name(s)Philip
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressChurchfield Galway
Mother's first name(s)Nappy
Mother's last nameMorran
Registration year1896
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1896
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast.
Last Edited |
July 7, 2023 15:21:00 |
Michael Gavin
M, #133, b. May 20, 1842, d. June 29, 1922
Family: Honor McGing (b. May 5, 1849, d. 1894)
Son | Patrick Gavin (b. February 28, 1875, d. 1904) |
Son | Austin Gavin (b. February 6, 1877, d. 1897) |
Son | John Gavin+ (b. July 28, 1879, d. February 26, 1968) |
Son | Martin Gavin+ (b. January 27, 1882, d. March 28, 1962) |
Daughter | Mary Gavin (b. March 27, 1884, d. 1902) |
Son | Michael J. Gavin+ (b. November 18, 1886, d. September 1964) |
Son | Phillip Gavin (b. March 18, 1889, d. February 2, 1911) |
Son | Philip Gavin (b. July 17, 1889, d. 1891) |
Son | Thomas Gavin (b. February 17, 1892, d. about 1936) |
Michael Gavin was born on May 20, 1842 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Honor McGing were married on February 12, 1874 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Honor
Last nameMcGing
Marital statusSpinster
Condition (as transcribed)S
Marriage year1874
Marriage date12 Feb 1874
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameIslandeady
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Spouse's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's last nameGavin
Spouse's ageF
Spouse's marital statusB
Spouse's occupationLabourer
Spouse's residenceShonlyn
Father's first name(s)Patrick
Father's occupationLabourer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's father's last nameGavin
Spouse's father's occupationLabourer
Registration year1874
Registration quarter year1874
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Date obtained from church records by May Lally Oct 1999
Civil Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:12-Feb-1874
Parish / District:Islandeady district\tabCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Civil Parish\tabCivil Parish
Age:Full Age (Over 21)\tabFull Age (Over 21)
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)\tabSpinster (Previously unmarried)
Husband's Father\tabWife's Father
Husband's Mother\tabWife's Mother
Witness 1\tabWitness 2
Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:12-Feb-1874
Parish / District:Aghagower RC parish\tabCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman Catholic\tabRoman Catholic
Husband's Father\tabWife's Father
Husband's Mother\tabWife's Mother
Witness 1\tabWitness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
www.rootsireland.ie. He died on June 29, 1922, at age 80.
Michael Gavin was also known as Michael Gavan. He was also known as Mickey Gavin. (Research):In 1901 Census for Tonlegee
Residents of a house 9 in Tonlegee (Aghagewer South, Mayo)
SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
GavinMichael58MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmerCannot readIrish and EnglishWidower-
GavinPatrick25MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmer's SonRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
GavinMary16FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmer's DaughterRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
GavinMichael14MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and write-Not Married-
GavinPhilip11MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and write-Not Married-
GavinThomas9MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and write-Not Married-
Report any error in transcription
Michael Gavin (about 1842-29 June 1922) married Honor McGing (5 May/20 May 1849-about 1894), Arderry, on 12 February 1874.
Last Edited |
March 16, 2021 08:39:00 |
John Gavin
M, #134, b. July 28, 1879, d. February 26, 1968
Son | Patrick Gavin (b. February 24, 1911, d. January 23, 2004) |
Daughter | Honor Ann Gavin+ (b. February 12, 1912, d. April 11, 1999) |
Daughter | Mary Gavin (b. May 26, 1913, d. February 13, 1991) |
Son | Thomas Gavin (b. December 17, 1914, d. October 29, 1986) |
Daughter | Bridget Gavin+ (b. February 8, 1916, d. October 5, 1968) |
Son | Michael Gavin (b. April 3, 1917, d. May 16, 1994) |
Daughter | Kathleen Gavin (b. November 18, 1918, d. December 30, 1993) |
Son | John Gavin (b. August 27, 1920, d. August 28, 2005) |
Daughter | Margaret Gavin (b. March 26, 1922) |
Son | Martin Gavin (b. March 22, 1924, d. January 12, 1982) |
Son | Phillip Gavin (b. August 7, 1925, d. January 26, 1994) |
John Gavin was born on July 28, 1879 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Mary ("Tommie") McGing were married on August 24, 1909 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGing
Marital statusSpinster
Condition (as transcribed)S
Marriage year1909
Marriage date24 Aug 1909
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameAughagower
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Spouse's first name(s)John
Spouse's last nameGavin
Spouse's age30
Spouse's marital statusB
Spouse's occupationFarmer
Spouse's residenceTonlegee
Father's first name(s)Thomas
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Martin
Spouse's father's last nameGavin
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1909
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1909
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
SR District/Reg Area - Westport
on 24 August 1909
Party 1 NameJOHN GAVIN
Date of Event24 August 1909
Group Registration ID2005918
SR District/Reg AreaWestport
Ireland Marriages 1845-1958 Transcription
Learn more
Print transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGing
Registration year1909
Registered Quarter/YearJul - Sep 1909
Registration districtWestport
MarriageFinder™Mary McGing married one of these people
Thomas Farrell, John Gavin, Michael Costelloe
Record setIrish Marriages 1845-1958
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryMarriages & divorces
Collections fromIreland
Annie McGing witness. He died on February 26, 1968, at age 88, in Mayo, Ireland
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)John
Last nameGavan
Birth year1879
Birth date28 Jul 1879
Birth placeTonlogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavan
Father's occupationLand Holder
Father's addressTonlogue
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1879
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1879
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Believe wife was 2nd cousin
Civil Birth Record
Name: John Gavan Date of Birth: 28-Jul-1879
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Gavan Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
Church Baptism Record
Name: John Gavin Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 24-May-1879
Address: Not Recorded Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Gavin Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Austin Gavin
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Jane McGing
Notes. (Research):John Gavin [John Mickey] (3 May 1879-26 Feb 1968) married Mary McGing [Mary Tommie] (3 May 1882-12 July 1975) in the autumn of 1909. They lived in Tonlegee. [Johnnie Gavin heard from his mother that his parents had the same birth date. Baptismal date was 24 May 1879 and generally used as his birth date.]
They were 2nd cousins.
Last Edited |
March 4, 2022 17:52:00 |
Patrick Gavin
M, #135, b. February 28, 1875, d. 1904
Patrick Gavin was born on February 28, 1875 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died in 1904, at age ~29.
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Patrick
Last nameGavin
Birth year1875
Birth date28 Feb 1875
Birth placeFoulogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavin
Father's occupationLand Holder
Father's addressFoulogue
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1875
Registration quarter year1875
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Ireland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1620-1911 about Patrick Gavin
Name: Patrick Gavin
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 28 Feb 1875
Birth Place: Mayo, Ireland
Father's Name: Michael Gavin
Mother's name: Honor Mc Ging
FHL Film Number: 255925
Honor Mc Ging
mentioned in the record of Patrick Gavin
Name: Honor Mc Ging
Gender: Female
Husband: Michael Gavin
Son: Patrick Gavin
Other information in the record of Patrick Gavin
from Ireland Births and Baptisms
Name: Patrick Gavin
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 28 Feb 1875
Birthplace: Mayo, Ireland
Father's Name: Michael Gavin
Mother's Name: Honor Mc Ging
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C70158-6 , System Origin: Ireland-EASy , GS Film number: 255925 , Reference ID: v 4-2 p 610. (Research):Died of TB
Civil Birth Record
Name: Patrick Gavin Date of Birth: 28-Feb-1875
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Tonlegee Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Gavin Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© 2015 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited |
March 13, 2018 19:09:00 |
Austin Gavin
M, #136, b. February 6, 1877, d. 1897
Austin Gavin was born on February 6, 1877 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died in 1897, at age ~20.
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Austin
Last nameGavan
Birth year1877
Birth date06 Feb 1877
Birth placeTonlogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavan
Father's occupationLandholder
Father's addressTonlogue
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1877
Registration quarter year1877
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Civil Birth Record
Name: Austin Gavan Date of Birth: 06-Feb-1877
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Tonlogee Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Gavan Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
Church Baptism Record
Name: Austin Gavin Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 20-Jan-1877
Address: Not Recorded Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Michael Gavin Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Anthony Kerrigan
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: N. L. Sheridan
First name(s)Austin
Last nameGavin
Baptism year1877
Baptism date20 Jan 1877
Alternative parish namesAghagower, Aughagour
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavin
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
ArchiveNational Library of Ireland
Register typeBaptism
National Library of Ireland registerhttp://registers.nli.ie//registers/vtls000631977#page/1/mode/1up
Record setIreland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms
CategoryBirth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
SubcategoryParish Baptisms
Collections fromIreland. (Research):Died of TB.
Last Edited |
June 2, 2023 22:29:00 |
Martin Gavin
M, #137, b. January 27, 1882, d. March 28, 1962
Martin Gavin was born on January 27, 1882 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Margaret Tracey were married. He died on March 28, 1962, at age 80, in Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Martin
Last nameGavan
Birth year1882
Birth date27 Jan 1882
Birth placeTonlogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavan
Father's occupationLand Holder
Father's addressTonlogue
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1882
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1882
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections from] He immigrated to the USA from Liverpool in 1912. A house had been built for him in Tonlegee. He was to share the land with his brother John. After the death of his brother Philip in 1911, he decided to leave Ireland for good. Martin is found in the 1920 census. He owns his home (with mortgage) at 1225 Wellington, in North Chicago. He became a naturalized citizen in 1917 and earns his living as a motorman on a streetcar. He gives his age as 36. Margaret's age is given as 30. She also entered the country in 1912. (Research):Civil Birth Record
Name: Martin Gavan Date of Birth: 27-Jan-1882
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Tonloguge Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Gavan Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
Notes. Martin Gavin immigrated to Chicago, Cook, Illinois
G, in 1911.
Last Edited |
March 13, 2018 15:15:00 |
Michael J. Gavin
M, #138, b. November 18, 1886, d. September 1964
Family: Margaret M. Gaffney (b. about 1887, d. May 22, 1957)
Son | Michael Joseph Gavin (b. March 11, 1920, d. November 10, 1990) |
Son | Paul Peter Gavin (b. July 28, 1921, d. November 11, 1976) |
Daughter | Cecilia Margaret Gavin (b. August 23, 1924, d. November 12, 2002) |
Son | John Austin Gavin+ (b. December 23, 1933, d. August 30, 2017) |
Michael J. Gavin was born on November 18, 1886 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Margaret M. Gaffney were married. He died in September 1964, at age 77.
Michael J. Gavin emigrated from New Jersey, United States
G. Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Michael
Last nameGavan
Birth year1886
Birth date18 Nov 1886
Birth placeToulague
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last nameGavan
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressToulague
Mother's first name(s)Honor
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1886
Registration quarter yearOct - Dec 1886
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromHe immigrated to Kerrigan cousins, Thomas, John, and Anthony, in Paterson, New Jersey [probably], in 1911. He registered for the draft for WWI on 5 June 1917 (and gives a birth date of 1 Aug 1886), but didn't see military service. At that time he held a job with for S. L. Moore Corporation as a pipefitter. He and his wife Margaret, who immigrated to the USA from Ireland in 1916, are found in the 1920 and 1930 census. They were married in 1917. In 1920, they lived at 617 Fulton Street, in Elizabeth NJ, and Michael worked as a boilermaker in a foundry. By 1930, they have purchased a house in Roselle Park, New Jersey at 526 Tartoute Street. At the time of the census, he was an unemployed construction worker. He and his wife still retained their alien status.
Civil Birth Record
Name: Michael Gavan Date of Birth: 18-Nov-1886
Registration Date: 1-Jan-0
Address: Toulogue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Male County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Michael Gavan Mother: Honor McGing
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
Notes. (Research):1920 US Census
Michael Gavin
Gender: Male
Birth: Circa 1887
Residence: 1920
Union, New Jersey, USA
Age: 33
Marital status: Married
Race: White
Ethnicity: American
Can read: Yes
Can write: Yes
Own/rent: Rent
Wife: Margaret Gavin
County: Union Sheet: 7-A Image: 376
State: New Jersey Family: 147
Date: 1920 Line: 6
Relation to head Name Age
Head Michael Gavin 33
Wife Margaret Gavin 25
1930 US Census
Michael Gavin
Gender: Male
Birth: Circa 1886
Irish Free State
Residence: 1930
Roselle Park, Union, New Jersey, USA
Age: 44
Marital status: Married
Immigration: 1911
Race: White
Language: English
Father's birth place: Irish Free State
Mother's birth place: Irish Free State
Wife: Margaret Gavin
Children: Michael Gavin, Jr, Paul Gavin, Cecelia Gavin
Township: Roselle Park Enum. District: 0142 Line: 59
County: Union Series: T626 Image: 36
State: New Jersey Roll: 1390
Date: 1930 Sheet: 14-B
10 (Sheet 14B) of 22
Relation to head Name Age
Head Michael Gavin 44
Wife Margaret Gavin 34
Son Michael Gavin, Jr 10
Son Paul Gavin 8
Son Cecelia Gavin 4.
Last Edited |
March 16, 2021 08:43:00 |
Mary ("Tommie") McGing
F, #139, b. May 3, 1882, d. July 12, 1975
Family: John Gavin (b. July 28, 1879, d. February 26, 1968)
Son | Patrick Gavin (b. February 24, 1911, d. January 23, 2004) |
Daughter | Honor Ann Gavin+ (b. February 12, 1912, d. April 11, 1999) |
Daughter | Mary Gavin (b. May 26, 1913, d. February 13, 1991) |
Son | Thomas Gavin (b. December 17, 1914, d. October 29, 1986) |
Daughter | Bridget Gavin+ (b. February 8, 1916, d. October 5, 1968) |
Son | Michael Gavin (b. April 3, 1917, d. May 16, 1994) |
Daughter | Kathleen Gavin (b. November 18, 1918, d. December 30, 1993) |
Son | John Gavin (b. August 27, 1920, d. August 28, 2005) |
Daughter | Margaret Gavin (b. March 26, 1922) |
Son | Martin Gavin (b. March 22, 1924, d. January 12, 1982) |
Son | Phillip Gavin (b. August 7, 1925, d. January 26, 1994) |
Mary ("Tommie") McGing was born on May 3, 1882 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
John Gavin were married on August 24, 1909 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G, Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGing
Marital statusSpinster
Condition (as transcribed)S
Marriage year1909
Marriage date24 Aug 1909
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameAughagower
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Spouse's first name(s)John
Spouse's last nameGavin
Spouse's age30
Spouse's marital statusB
Spouse's occupationFarmer
Spouse's residenceTonlegee
Father's first name(s)Thomas
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Martin
Spouse's father's last nameGavin
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1909
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1909
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
SR District/Reg Area - Westport
on 24 August 1909
Party 1 NameJOHN GAVIN
Date of Event24 August 1909
Group Registration ID2005918
SR District/Reg AreaWestport
Ireland Marriages 1845-1958 Transcription
Learn more
Print transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGing
Registration year1909
Registered Quarter/YearJul - Sep 1909
Registration districtWestport
MarriageFinder™Mary McGing married one of these people
Thomas Farrell, John Gavin, Michael Costelloe
Record setIrish Marriages 1845-1958
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryMarriages & divorces
Collections fromIreland
Annie McGing witness. She died on July 12, 1975, at age 93, in Mayo, Ireland
Mary ("Tommie") McGing was also known as Mary Tommy. Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1882
Birth date08 Jul 1882
Birth placeTonlogue
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)Thomas
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationLand Holder
Father's addressTonlogue
Mother's first name(s)Bridget
Mother's last nameGavan
Registration quarter year-
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Civil Birth Record
Name: Mary McGing Date of Birth: 08-Jul-1882
Date of Baptism: 1-Jan-0
Address: Toulogue Parish/District: Islandeady district
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Civil Parish
Father: Thomas McGing Mother: Bridget Gavan
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Church Baptism Record
Name: Mary McGinn Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism: 24-May-1882
Address: Not Recorded Parish/District: Aghagower RC parish
Gender: Female County Co. Mayo
Denomination: Roman Catholic
Father: Thomas McGinn Mother: Bridget Gavin
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1: Patrick Gavin Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2: Catherine Moran
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres.
Last Edited |
March 15, 2018 12:18:00 |
Patrick Gavin
M, #140, b. February 24, 1911, d. January 23, 2004
Patrick Gavin was born on February 24, 1911 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Anne O'Malley were married on August 20, 1952 in Arderry, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on January 23, 2004, at age 92, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
(Research):Patrick Gavin [Paddie] (24 Feb 1911-23 Jan 2004) married Anne O'Malley [Annie] (1922-Sept 1996) on 20 Aug 1952. Lived in Teevinish. Paddy worked in England for many years. He was working at White House Farm, Barten, near Ormskirk, Lancashire at the outbreak of WWII. Paddy inherited Punch's farm. Punch was his uncle, Patrick McGing.
Last Edited |
January 31, 2006 21:57:00 |
Thomas Gavin
M, #141, b. December 17, 1914, d. October 29, 1986
Thomas Gavin was born on December 17, 1914 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on October 29, 1986, at age 71, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Thomas
Last nameGavin
Birth year1914
Birth date17 Dec 1914
Birth placeToonlegee
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)John
Father's last nameGavin
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressToonlegee
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1915
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1915
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
Spent 15 years in Australia as a landscaper.
Last Edited |
March 13, 2018 19:08:00 |
Michael Gavin
M, #142, b. April 3, 1917, d. May 16, 1994
Michael Gavin was born on April 3, 1917 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on May 16, 1994, at age 77, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Date of Birth03 April 1917
Group Registration ID1583444
SR District/Reg AreaWestport
Mother's Birth SurnameMC GING.
Last Edited |
June 4, 2019 08:50:00 |
John Gavin
M, #143, b. August 27, 1920, d. August 28, 2005
John Gavin was born on August 27, 1920 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on August 28, 2005, at age 85.
(Research):NameJOHN GAVIN
Date of Birth23 August 1920
Group Registration ID1788459
SR District/Reg AreaWestport
Mother's Birth SurnameMC GING.
Last Edited |
April 12, 2021 07:48:00 |
Martin Gavin
M, #144, b. March 22, 1924, d. January 12, 1982
Martin Gavin was born on March 22, 1924 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on January 12, 1982, at age 57, in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
November 25, 2007 00:16:00 |
Phillip Gavin
M, #145, b. August 7, 1925, d. January 26, 1994
Phillip Gavin was born on August 7, 1925 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. He died on January 26, 1994, at age 68, in Castlebar, Mayo, Ireland
Philip Gavin in the U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Philip Gavin
SSN: 214304199
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 7 Aug 1925
Birth Place: Republic of Ireland
Father Name: John Gavin
Mother Name: Mary McGing
Death Date: 15 Jan 1994
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: Nov 1949: Name listed as PHILIP GAVIN
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Source Information
Ancestry.com. U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.
Last Edited |
August 11, 2015 19:57:00 |
Honor Ann Gavin
F, #146, b. February 12, 1912, d. April 11, 1999
Honor Ann Gavin was born on February 12, 1912 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
James Feehan were married on September 17, 1938 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois
G. She and
Francis Wallace were married on April 1, 1982. She died on April 11, 1999, at age 87, in Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland
Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Honor
Last nameGavin
Birth year1912
Birth date03 Apr 1912
Birth placeTonlegee
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)John
Father's last nameGavin
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressTonlegee
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1912
Registration quarter yearApr - Jun 1912
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
SR District/Reg Area - Westport
Birth of HONOR GAVIN on 03 April 1912
Date of Birth 03 April 1912
Group Registration ID 962262
SR District/Reg Area Westport
Sex Female
Mother's Birth Surname MC GING. (Research):Honora Ann Gavin [Ciss/Nora] (28 Feb 1912-11 Apr 1999) married James Joseph Feehan [Jim] (20 May 1908-21 July 1971) Doneraile, Cork, on 17 Sept b» /b»1938 b» /b»in b» /b»Chicago. Nora immigrated to Chicago to her uncle, Martin Gavin (father's brother).
Last Edited |
March 13, 2018 19:05:00 |
Mary Gavin
F, #147, b. May 26, 1913, d. February 13, 1991
Mary Gavin was born on May 26, 1913 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
James Henry Cooke were married on October 6, 1951 in Dorchester, Dorset, England
G. She died on February 13, 1991, at age 77, in Bodmin, Cornwall, England
G. She was buried in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Mary Gavin was also known as Maureen. She was also known as Mollie Gavin. Ireland Civil Birth Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Mary
Last nameGavin
Birth year1913
Birth date26 May 1913
Birth placeTonlegee
Registration districtIslandeady
Superintendent's reg districtWestport
Father's first name(s)John
Father's last nameGavin
Father's occupationFarmer
Father's addressTonlegee
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameMcGing
Registration year1913
Registration quarter yearJul - Sep 1913
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Birth Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Births
Collections fromIreland
© Findmypast
Mary [Mollie] Gavin (13 May 1913-13 Feb 1991) married James Henry Cooke (29 Jan 1915-7 Feb 1983), Brighton, on 6 October 1951. They were married in Dursley, Gloucestershire. Mollie immigrated to England with Bridget. They went to their [mother's] cousin, Martin Gavin, in York and got jobs at the Purey Cust nursing home. Later went into nurse's training at Staincliffe Hospital, Dewsbury. Mollie and Jim lived in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, after Jim left the Merchant Navy. Mollie is buried in Aughagower cemetery.
Mary Cooke
Birth: May 26 1913
Death: Feb 1991 Bodmin, England
Volume: 21
Page: 23
SR District/Reg Area - Westport
Birth of MARY GAVIN on 26 May 1913
Date of Birth 26 May 1913
Group Registration ID 1276123
SR District/Reg Area Westport
Sex Female
Mother's Birth Surname MC GING.
Last Edited |
March 13, 2018 19:06:00 |
Bridget Gavin
F, #148, b. February 8, 1916, d. October 5, 1968
Bridget Gavin was born on February 8, 1916 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
John Joseph Lawlor were married on August 9, 1939 in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
G. She died on October 5, 1968, at age 52, in Towson, Baltimore County, Maryland
Bridget Gavin [Bridgie] (8 Feb 1916-5 Oct 1968) married John Joseph Lawlor [Jack](21 Sept 1904-14 Mar 1981) of Baltimore, MD on 9 Aug 1939. They were married in Aughagower. Bridget first went with her sister Mollie to their [mother's] cousin, Martin Gavin, in York and they got jobs at Purey Cust Nursing Home. Later went into nurse's training at Staincliffe Hospital, Dewsbury, England; After marrying Jack Lawlor, she immigrated to Baltimore, Maryland. Bridget and Jack are buried at New Cathedral cemetery, Baltimore.
Last Edited |
January 31, 2006 21:39:00 |
Kathleen Gavin
F, #149, b. November 18, 1918, d. December 30, 1993
Kathleen Gavin was born on November 18, 1918 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. She died on December 30, 1993, at age 75, in Westport, Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
October 6, 2005 22:14:00 |
Margaret Gavin
F, #150, b. March 26, 1922
Margaret Gavin was born on March 26, 1922 in Tonlegee, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
John Farley Kenehan were married on June 14, 1952 in Baltimore, Maryland
Last Edited |
May 6, 2023 07:34:00 |