Philip McGing
M, #478, b. 1822, d. March 29, 1917
Philip McGing was born in 1822. He died on March 29, 1917, at age ~95, in Mayo, Ireland
G. He was buried in Aghagower. Mayo, Ireland
Mary Cherveniak has photo of tombstone, it was erected by Philip McGing's brother James.
Last Edited |
October 3, 2003 18:52:00 |
Nancy Roddick
F, #480, b. October 31, 1929, d. September 3, 1986
Nancy Roddick was born on October 31, 1929 in West Derby, Lancashire, England
G. She and
Martin McGing were married between July and September 1949 in Bootle, Lancashire, England
G, England & Wales marriages 1837-2008 Transcription
Print transcription View image
First name(s)MARTIN
Last nameMCGING
Marriage quarter3
Marriage year1949
Registration month-
MarriageFinder™MARTIN MCGING married
Spouse's last nameRODDICK
District number-
Record setEngland & Wales marriages 1837-2008
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryMarriages & divorces
Collections fromUnited Kingdom. She died on September 3, 1986, at age 56, in Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Nancy McGing
Birth: Oct 31 1929
Death: Sep 1986
Liverpool, England
Volume: 36
Page: 544
Liverpool Echo Newspaper Obitiary on file.
Liverpool Echo Obituary September 4, 1986 - McGing - Nancy, September 3, 1986, peacefully at home. Beloved mother of Philip and Joan, loved grandmother of Zoe, Lisa, Kelly, Vicky and Michael. (Will be missed by all.) (Research):Name Date of Birth Registration District Year of Registration Month of Registration
MCGING, Nancy 31 October 1929 Liverpool 1986 September Volume No 36
Page No 544
Reg No 986
England & Wales deaths 1837-2007 Transcription
Print transcription
First name(s) NANCY
Last name MCGING
Gender Female
Birth day 31
Birth month 10
Birth year 1929
Age -
Death quarter 3
Death year 1986
Register number 986
County Lancashire
Volume 36
Page 544
Country England
Record set England & Wales deaths 1837-2007
Category Birth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
Subcategory Deaths & burials
Collections from United Kingdom.
Last Edited |
August 31, 2018 09:58:00 |
Honor Staunton1,2,2
F, #481, b. 1846, d. 1929
Family: Philip Lally (b. about 1834, d. September 9, 1916)
Son | John Lally (b. February 4, 1877, d. about 1949) |
Daughter | Winnie Lally+ (b. August 18, 1878, d. February 19, 1959) |
Son | Thomas Lally+ (b. May 4, 1881, d. January 29, 1966) |
Son | Phillip Lally (b. July 28, 1882, d. August 9, 1882) |
Son | Philip Lally (b. March 16, 1884, d. between 1901 and , 1974) |
Honor Staunton was born in 1846 in Srah, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 She and
Philip Lally were married about 1876 in Partry, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 She died in 1929, at age ~83, in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
November 15, 2014 23:19:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Thomas Lally1,2,2
M, #482, b. May 4, 1881, d. January 29, 1966
Thomas Lally was born on May 4, 1881 in Srah, Mayo, Ireland
1,2 He and
Bridget Joyce were married about 1917 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 He died on January 29, 1966, at age 84, in Srah, Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
November 15, 2014 23:19:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Bridget Joyce1,2,2
F, #483, b. about 1891, d. August 17, 1968
Bridget Joyce was born about 1891 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 She and
Thomas Lally were married about 1917 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 She died on August 17, 1968, at age ~77, in Galway, Galway, Ireland
Last Edited |
December 19, 2000 21:09:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Mary Lally1,2,2
F, #484
Last Edited |
November 15, 2014 23:19:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
John Lally1,2
M, #485, b. about 1793, d. February 2, 1873
John Lally was born about 1793 in Srah, Mayo, Ireland
1,2 He was married between 1812 and , 1827.
1,2 He died on February 2, 1873, at age ~80, in Srah, Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
January 22, 2010 21:59:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Michael McGing
M, #486, b. 1859, d. after 1911
Family: Mary Quinn (b. July 6, 1862)
Daughter | Mary Elizabeth McGing (b. March 17, 1887, d. February 5, 1963) |
Son | John McGing (b. June 29, 1889, d. September 11, 1917) |
Son | Thomas McGing (b. December 20, 1891, d. 1892) |
Son | Thomas McGing (b. January 2, 1892, d. August 22, 1965) |
Son | Michael Joseph McGing+ (b. October 28, 1894, d. July 25, 1983) |
Son | Patrick McGing (b. February 23, 1898, d. August 22, 1966) |
Daughter | Bridget McGing+ (b. April 24, 1901) |
Michael McGing was born in 1859 in Glenmask, Mayo, Ireland
G. He and
Mary Quinn were married on February 25, 1886 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Michael
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1859
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
Marriage year1886
Marriage date? Feb 1886
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameCappaghduff
Registration districtCappaghduff
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
CountyGalway, Mayo
Spouse's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's last nameQuinn
Spouse's age24
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's residenceChurchfield
Father's first name(s)Martin
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's father's last nameQuinn
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1886
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1886
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
Civil Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:23-Feb-1886
Parish / District:Cappaghduff districtCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Civil ParishCivil Parish
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
www.rootsireland.ieJan - Macrh 1886 Ballionrobe district. Vol 4, page 40
Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:25-Feb-1886
Parish / District:Ballyovey RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Name:Not RecordedMcGingNot RecordedQuinn
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres He died after 1911 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
Churchfield Upper Ballinrobe Ross Mayo Household McGing Michael(39) farmer Mary(38) wife-Mary(13)-John(11)-Thomas(9)-Michael(6)-Patrick(3)
Residents of a house 8 in Churchfield Upper (Ballinchalla, Mayo)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
Mc Ging Michael 50 Male Head of Family Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmer Read and write Irish and English Married - - - -
Mc Ging Mary 50 Female Wife Roman Catholic Co Mayo - Read and write Irish and English Married - 23 6 6
Mc Ging John 18 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmers Son Read and write Irish and English Single - - - -
Mc Ging Thomas 16 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Farmers Son Read and write Irish and English Single - - - -
Mc Ging Michael 14 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write Irish and English Single - - - -
Mc Ging Patrick 12 Male Son Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write Irish and English Single - - - -
Mc Ging Bridget 8 Female Daughter Roman Catholic Co Mayo Scholar Read and write Irish and English Single - - - -. (Research):Census Years 1901
MayoBallinchallaChurchfield UpperResidents of a house
Residents of a house 7 in Churchfield Upper (Ballinchalla, Mayo)
SurnameForenameAgeSexRelation to headReligionBirthplaceOccupationLiteracyIrish LanguageMarital StatusSpecified Illnesses
Mc GingMichael39MaleHead of FamilyRoman CatholicCo MayoFarmerRead and writeIrish and EnglishMarried-
Mc GingMary38FemaleWifeRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Read and writeIrish and EnglishMarried-
Mc GingMary12FemaleDaughterRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Mc GingJohn11MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarRead and writeIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Mc GingThomas9MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Mc GingMichael6MaleSonRoman CatholicCo MayoScholarCannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Mc GingPatrick3MaleSonRoman CatholicCo Mayo-Cannot readIrish and EnglishNot Married-
Was alive at time son John arrived in US in 1911 and also when son John died in Missouri in 1917.
Last Edited |
June 11, 2022 07:12:00 |
Mary Quinn
F, #487, b. July 6, 1862
Family: Michael McGing (b. 1859, d. after 1911)
Daughter | Mary Elizabeth McGing (b. March 17, 1887, d. February 5, 1963) |
Son | John McGing (b. June 29, 1889, d. September 11, 1917) |
Son | Thomas McGing (b. December 20, 1891, d. 1892) |
Son | Thomas McGing (b. January 2, 1892, d. August 22, 1965) |
Son | Michael Joseph McGing+ (b. October 28, 1894, d. July 25, 1983) |
Son | Patrick McGing (b. February 23, 1898, d. August 22, 1966) |
Daughter | Bridget McGing+ (b. April 24, 1901) |
Mary Quinn was born on July 6, 1862 in Churchfield, Mayo, Ireland
G. She and
Michael McGing were married on February 25, 1886 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
Ireland Civil Marriage Registers Index Transcription
First name(s)Michael
Last nameMcGing
Birth year1859
Marital statusBachelor
Condition (as transcribed)B
Marriage year1886
Marriage date? Feb 1886
DenominationRoman Catholic
Church nameCappaghduff
Registration districtCappaghduff
Superintendent's reg districtBallinrobe
CountyGalway, Mayo
Spouse's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's last nameQuinn
Spouse's age24
Spouse's marital statusS
Spouse's residenceChurchfield
Father's first name(s)Martin
Father's last nameMcGing
Father's occupationFarmer
Spouse's father's first name(s)Michael
Spouse's father's last nameQuinn
Spouse's father's occupationFarmer
Registration year1886
Registration quarter yearJan - Mar 1886
SourceView the source record
Record setIreland Civil Marriage Registers Index
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryCivil Marriage & Divorce
Collections fromIreland
Civil Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:23-Feb-1886
Parish / District:Cappaghduff districtCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Civil ParishCivil Parish
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
www.rootsireland.ieJan - Macrh 1886 Ballionrobe district. Vol 4, page 40
Church Marriage Record
Date of Marriage:25-Feb-1886
Parish / District:Ballyovey RC parishCounty:Co. Mayo
Denomination:Roman CatholicRoman Catholic
Status:Bachelor (Previously unmarried)Spinster (Previously unmarried)
Husband's FatherWife's Father
Name:Not RecordedMcGingNot RecordedQuinn
Husband's MotherWife's Mother
Witness 1Witness 2
© Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Likely candidate
Church Baptism Record
Name:Mary QuinDate of Birth:
Date of Baptism:06-Jul-1862
Address:Parish/District:Islandeady RC parish
Gender:FemaleCountyCo. Mayo
Denomination:Roman Catholic
Father:Michael QuinMother:Mary Maley
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:John Flanery
Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:Anne Sweeny
© 2020 Copyright Mayo Family History Centres
Last Edited |
June 11, 2022 07:12:00 |
William Staunton1,2
M, #488, b. 1799, d. January 13, 1872
William Staunton was born in 1799.
1,2 He and
Winifred () were married after 1830.
1,2 He died on January 13, 1872, at age ~73.
Last Edited |
December 19, 2000 21:09:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Winifred ()1,2
F, #489, b. 1810, d. July 11, 1875
Winifred () was born in 1810.
1,2 She and
William Staunton were married after 1830.
1,2 She died on July 11, 1875, at age ~65.
Last Edited |
January 26, 2014 16:13:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Patrick Heneghan1,2,2
M, #490, b. 1911, d. November 1941
Patrick Heneghan was born in 1911 in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
1,2,2 He and
Mary Lally were married. He died in November 1941, at age ~30, in Tourmakeady, Mayo, Ireland
Last Edited |
December 19, 2000 21:09:00 |
- [S4] Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 29, Ed. 1, Customer pedigree.
- [S5] v29t1333.FTW
Mary Burke
F, #494, b. November 18, 1865, d. October 15, 1945
Family: Michael J. McGing (b. December 23, 1856, d. July 5, 1923)
Daughter | Anna Agnes McGing (b. September 23, 1887, d. October 24, 1931) |
Daughter | Catherine McGing+ (b. October 4, 1889, d. March 29, 1968) |
Son | Michael Andrew McGing+ (b. September 14, 1891, d. June 11, 1944) |
Daughter | Mary M. McGing (b. September 1893, d. September 19, 1923) |
Daughter | Julia McGing+ (b. December 1897, d. December 28, 1929) |
Son | John Francis ("Barney") McGing (b. October 9, 1902, d. October 6, 1979) |
Son | Patrick Joseph McGing (b. February 20, 1907, d. July 19, 1978) |
Mary Burke was born on November 18, 1865 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G. She and
Michael J. McGing were married on October 25, 1886 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G. She and
John Malia were married in 1926 in Pennsylvania
G, Remarried in the 1930 US Census. John said his first marriage was at age 50, about 1926. She died on October 15, 1945, at age 79, in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
G. She was buried in Saint Mary Cemetery, Hermitage, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
Had 7 grandchildren
However, my friend in Scotland found an earlier birth for a Mary to John and Honora. Possibly they had a Mary that died. This one was listed as Mary to Father, John Burke and Mother, Honora Joyce, born 13 Nov. 1854 and baptised 26 Nov. 1854 (Doune). Sponsors were James Kane and Bridget McGuire. Thomas Carlyle, Priest.
The 1861 Census -- Raploch (Stirling) shows:
John Burke, Age 40 Laborer
Honorah Burke, Age 40 Field Worker -- wife
Michael - son- age 5 born Raploch
Honorah - daughter - age 2 -- born Raploch
Notice that there was no Mary listed in the 1861 census, even though one was born in 1854.
Raploch is a district on the north side of Stirling, a little rough in recent years. My friend said that there were a lot of Irish there.
Doune was quite near to Stirling. The Catholic Church in Doune wasn't built until later (1870?), so my family lived in Doune and had marriages and baptisms at St. Mary's in Stirling, Scotland.
Listed as Marian on Julia's marriage license application
Immigrated 1890. Found Mrs McGing with daughters Catherine (age 2 and Annie age 11 months) on the passenger list
New York Passenger Lists & Arrivals Transcription
Last nameMc Ging
Birth year1864
Arrival year1890
Arrival cityNew York City
Arrival stateNew York
Arrival countryUnited States
Ship nameEthiopia
CountryUnited States
Film number001027784
NARA roll number548
NARA publication numberM237
Record setNew York Passenger Lists & Arrivals
CategoryImmigration & Travel
SubcategoryPassenger lists
Collections fromAmericas, United States
Report an error in this transcription. (Research):Mary Burke in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:Mary Burke
Birth Date:6 Feb 1863
Birth Place:Stirling,Stirling,Scotland
Father:John Burke
Mother:Honora Joice
FHL Film Number:6035516
Scotland Births and Baptisms 1564-1950 Transcription
First name(s) Mary
Last name Burke
Gender Female
Birth year 1863
Baptism year -
Baptism date -
Baptism place -
Father's first name(s) John
Father's last name Burke
Mother's first name(s) Honora
Mother's last name Joice
Place Stirling
County Stirlingshire
Country Scotland
Record set Scotland Births & Baptisms 1564-1950
Category Birth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
Subcategory Births & baptisms
Collections from United Kingdom
Found on 1890 passenger manifest for the SS Ethiopia. Limited data, shows Mrs McGing, age 26, daughter Annie, age 2 Y 6m, and Catherine, age 11 months. Coming from Scotland.
1920 US Federal census indicates 1856 birth
1930 US Federal Census
John Malia
Gender: Male
Birth: Circa 1876 Ireland
Residence: 1930 Sharpsville, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA
Age: 54
Marital status: Married
Immigration: 1892
Race: White
Language: English
Father's birth place: Ireland
Mother's birth place: Ireland
Wife: Mary Malia
Child: John Mcging
Township: Sharpsville Enum. District: 0072 Line: 47
County: Mercer Series: T626 Image: 466
State: Pennsylvania Roll: 2077
Date: 1930 Sheet: 14-A
Relation to head Name Age
Wife Mary Malia 58
Head John Malia 54
Step-son John Mcging 28.
Last Edited |
March 8, 2019 08:47:00 |
Michael McGing
M, #495, b. March 1, 1885, d. October 14, 1964
Family: Helen McInnes (b. 1884, d. June 14, 1924)
Daughter | Jean Roe McGing (b. February 22, 1909) |
Daughter | Catherine Manion McGing (b. January 7, 1911, d. March 12, 2004) |
Son | Austin McGing (b. June 14, 1914, d. July 31, 1914) |
Son | Hugh Ging (b. October 29, 1915, d. October 30, 1915) |
Son | Michael Ging+ (b. June 4, 1917, d. August 2003) |
Daughter | Helen McInnes Ging (b. July 4, 1919) |
Son | James McGing (b. April 27, 1922) |
Michael McGing was born on March 1, 1885 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G. He and
Helen McInnes were married on June 19, 1908 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G, Married 19 Jun 1908, Stirling.
Michael, age 23 or 25, mason (journeyman), 7 Raploch, Stirling. Father Austin, builder's labourer.
Hellen McInnes, age 24, confectionary worker, 63 Lower Bridge Street, Stirling. Father Hugh McInnes, builder's labourer, mother Jane Rae (deceased)
Witnesses Martin Philliban and Mary McInnes.
Scotland Roman Catholic Parish Marriages Transcription
Print View image Add to tree
First name(s)Mary
Last nameGing
Marriage year1908
Marriage date03 Mar 1908
DenominationRoman Catholic
ParishSt Mary
DioceseSt Andrews & Edinburgh
Spouse's first name(s)John
Spouse's last nameYoung
Father's first nameThomas
Father's last nameGing
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameCoan
Spouse's father's last nameYoung
Spouse's mother's first name(s)Isabella
Spouse's mother's last nameBarclay
Spouse's father's first name(s)Alexander
ArchiveThe Scottish Catholic Archives
Record setScotland Roman Catholic Parish Marriages
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers.) He and
Mary Alexandra Wright were married on July 12, 1940 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G, Married 12 Jul 1940, Stirling
Michael, age 55, widower, stone mason (journeyman), 6 Raploch Road, Stirling. Father Austin, general labourer.
Mary Alexandrina Wright, age 55, spinster, grainstore machinist, 14 Cowane Street, Stirling. Father Alexander Nelson Wright, plumber(journeyman), mother Margaret Moyes, both deceased.
Witnesses James Ging, 60 Cowane St, Stirling and Georgi? Wright, Glasgow,
Scotland Roman Catholic Parish Marriages Transcription
First name(s)Catherinam
Last nameGing
Marriage year1940
Marriage date19 Jul 1940
DenominationRoman Catholic
ParishSt Mary
DioceseSt Andrews & Edinburgh
Spouse's first name(s)Mattheum
Spouse's last nameCooper
Father's first nameMichaelis
Father's last nameGing
Mother's first name(s)Helenae
Mother's last nameGing Or Mcinnes
Spouse's father's last nameCooper
Spouse's mother's first name(s)Joannae
Spouse's mother's last nameCooper Or Foster
Spouse's father's first name(s)Joannis
ArchiveThe Scottish Catholic Archives
Record setScotland Roman Catholic Parish Marriages
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryParish Marriages
Collections fromScotland, United Kingdom. He died on October 14, 1964, at age 79, in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Michael McGing was also known as Michael Ging. Was a mason on son's DC
Michael Ging, married to Helen McInnes - died ? Oct 1964, age 79 in Stirling. Married to 1 Helen McInnes and 2 Mary Alexandrina Wright. The death was registered by son James
Died 12 Oct 1964, Stirling Royal Infirmary, usual residence Cowane Street, Stirling, age 79.
Storeman (journeyman) retired. Married 1 Helen McInnes and 2 Mary Alexandrina Wright.
Parents Austin Ging and Catherine Mannion.
Scotland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms
First name(s)Michael
Last nameGing
Birth year1885
Birth date01 Mar 1885
Baptism year1885
Baptism date22 Mar 1885
Baptism placeStirling
ParishSt Mary
DenominationRoman Catholic
DioceseSt Andrews & Edinburgh
Father's first name(s)Augustini
Father's last nameGing
Mother's first name(s)Catherinae
Mother's last nameGing
ArchiveThe Scottish Catholic Archives
Record setScotland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryParish Baptisms. (Research):Born 1885
Married 19 Jun 1908, Stirling.
Michael, age 23 or 25, mason (journeyman), 7 Raploch, Stirling. Father Austin, builder's labourer.
Hellen McInnes, age 24, confectionary worker, 63 Lower Bridge Street, Stirling. Father Hugh McInnes, builder's labourer, mother Jane Rae (deceased)
Witnesses Martin Philliban and Mary McInnes.
Married 12 Jul 1940, Stirling
Michael, age 55, widower, stone mason (journeyman), 6 Raploch Road, Stirling. Father Austin, general labourer.
Mary Alexandrina Wright, age 55, spinster, grainstore machinist, 14 Cowane Street, Stirling. Father Alexander Nelson Wright, plumber(journeyman), mother Margaret Moyes, both deceased.
Witnesses James Ging, 60 Cowane St, Stirling and Georgi? Wright, Glasgow,
Died 12 Oct 1964, Stirling Royal Infirmary, usual residence Cowane Street, Stirling, age 79.
Storeman (journeyman) retired. Married 1 Helen McInnes and 2 Mary Alexandrina Wright.
Parents Austin Ging and Catherine Mannion.
Last Edited |
February 1, 2022 10:46:00 |
John Burke
M, #496, b. 1821
John Burke was born in 1821. He and
Honor Joyce were married on November 16, 1851 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Last Edited |
November 15, 2014 23:19:00 |
Honor Joyce
F, #497, b. 1821
Honor Joyce was born in 1821. She and
John Burke were married on November 16, 1851 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Last Edited |
February 9, 2016 14:39:00 |
John Malia
M, #498, b. about 1876
John Malia was born about 1876 in Ireland
Residence: 1940
418 Oak Street, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USA. (Research):Census
County: Mercer Enum. District: 43-83 Page: 1A
State: Pennsylvania Roll: m-t0627-03573 Family: 3
Date: 1940 Frame: 00073 Line:
Relation to head Name Age
Head John Malia 64
Wife Mary Malia 68
Step-son Patrick J McGing 33.
Last Edited |
February 26, 2016 07:20:00 |
Catherine McGing
F, #499, b. October 4, 1889, d. March 29, 1968
Catherine McGing was born on October 4, 1889 in Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
G. She and
James F. Hogan were married on April 28, 1924 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
G, United States Marriages Transcription
Print transcription View image
First name(s)Katherine
Last nameMcging
Birth year1893
Father's first name(s)Michael
Father's last name-
Mother's first name(s)Mary
Mother's last nameBurke
Event date28 Apr 1924
CountryUnited States
Spouse's first name(s)James F
Spouse's last nameHogan
Spouse's sexMale
Spouse's age35
Spouse's birth year1889
Spouse's father's first name(s)James
Spouse's father's last name-
Spouse's mother's first name(s)Mary
Spouse's mother's last nameMcfadden
FamilySearch film number001889010
Record setUnited States Marriages
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryMarriages & divorces
Collections fromUnited States & Canada
Name:Katherine McGing
Marriage Date:28 Apr 1924
Form Type:Marriage
Birth Year:abt 1893
Birth Place:Scotland
Father's Name:Michael
Mother's Name:Mary Burke
Spouse's Name:James F Hogan
Spouse's Age:35
Spouse's Birth Year:abt 1889
Spouse Father's Name:Michael
Spouse Mother's Name:Mary McFadden
Catherine J. Mcging
Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950
marriage:15 May 1920, Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
mother:Mary Buch
spouse:James F. Hogan
other:James Hogan, Mary Mcfadden
NameJames F. Hogan
Titles and Terms
Event TypeMarriage
Event Date15 May 1920
Event Place, Erie, Pennsylvania, United States
Birth Year (Estimated)1887
Father's NameJames Hogan
Father's Titles and Terms
Mother's NameMary Mcfadden
Mother's Titles and Terms
Spouse's NameCatherine J. Mcging
Spouse's Titles and Terms
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated)1891
Spouse's Father's NameMichael
Spouse's Father's Titles and Terms
Spouse's Mother's NameMary Buch
Spouse's Mother's Titles and Terms
Reference IDp795 cn795
GS Film Number2209551
Digital Folder Number004480485
THis PA license was NOT used. She died on March 29, 1968, at age 78, in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
G. She was buried in Saint Mary Cemetery, Hermitage, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
Catherine McGing was also known as Katherine McGing. Per Marriage License application, she was 31 years old on 4/28/1924, which would put her DOB as 1893, not 1889
Obituary for sister Mary states she was living in Cleveland, on 9/19/1923, Census for 1920 has her as 24 years old as of 4/1/1920, which supports birth date of 1893. Census of 1910 has her as 21, which supports 1889.
297-28-3862 SS5 dated 4/4/1951 shows her name as McGing, not Hogan and DOB as 10/4/1891! Also shows POB as Sharpsville Pennsylvania. Resided at 2593 Coventry Rd, in Illigible town Ohio. Worked for Levi Straus at same address.
Birth cert for her son Frances she gave birth to him at age 30 (2/7/1924) and her occupation was "telegraphy" I suspect that she was either lying about her age while young or else to get social security as she got older. Family lore says 2 eldest girls were born in Scotland, eldest boy born in US, so DOB is prior to bother's DOB, and supports idea that she used various DOB and POB at different times.
1910 US Census shows her as an employee if a Mr Manahey in Sharpsville.
Name:Catherine Mc Ging
Event Type:Immigration
Event Date:1890
Event Place:New York City, New York, United States
Birth Year (Estimated):1890
Ship Name:Ethiopia
Affiliate Publication Number:M237
Affiliate Publication Title:Passenger Lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1897
Affiliate Film Number:548
GS Film Number:001027784
Digital Folder Number:004680583
Image Number:00173
Citing this Record:
"New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 March 2018), Catherine Mc Ging, 1890; citing NARA microfilm publication M237 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm . (Research):News Herald of Franklin PA 12/21/1967 stated that teh estate of Katherine McGing transferred property to John McGing, Patrick McGing and Robert Resley of Sharpsville PA
Katherine McGing
Birth: 1889
Death: 1968
Burial: Saint Mary Cemetery, Hermitage, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
Inscription: b. 1889, d. 1968
Cemetery: This catholic cemetery is owned and maintained by the parish of Sacred heart Church which is in the city of Sharon, which is west of the cemetery. This transcription includes records up to 1983. I am still trying to get an updated list of transcriptions for this cemetery to add to these. - Terence Whalen
Source: View full record on
Section D, Row 2 is the family row,
Scotland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms Transcription
First name(s)Catharina
Last nameGing
Birth year1889
Birth date02 Oct 1889
Baptism year1889
Baptism date13 Oct 1889
Baptism placeStirling
ParishSt Mary
DenominationRoman Catholic
DioceseSt Andrews & Edinburgh
Father's first name(s)Michaelis
Father's last nameGing
Mother's first name(s)Mariae
Mother's last nameGing
ArchiveThe Scottish Catholic Archives
Record setScotland Roman Catholic Parish Baptisms
CategoryBirth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)
SubcategoryParish Baptisms
Collections fromUnited Kingdom, Scotland
© Catholic National Endowment Trust Charity No. SCO 16650 (known as The Bishops' Conference of Scotland.)
Last Edited |
January 25, 2019 14:38:00 |
John Francis ("Barney") McGing
M, #500, b. October 9, 1902, d. October 6, 1979
John Francis ("Barney") McGing was born on October 9, 1902 in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
G. He and
Mary Angela Walsh were married on November 23, 1939. He died on October 6, 1979, at age 76, in Sharpsville, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
SSN 193-07-2962 Got SSN 11/27/1936. Resided at 418 Oak Ave, Sharpsville Pennsylvania Worked as chemist at Shenango Furnace Co, Sharpsville Pennsylvania. for 50 yearsI have birth cert that says father was a laboror and that the birth took place on Oak Ave Listed in 1910 census as 7 years old.. Was member of Sacred Heart parish, Sharon.
Also found in 1920 census
John F. McGing
Birth: 1902
Death: 1979
Burial: Saint Mary Cemetery, Hermitage, Mercer County, Pennsylvania
Inscription: b. 1902, d. 1979
Section K, Row 6 plots 2 and 3
Name: John Mcging
Birth Year: abt 1902
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Stepson
Home in 1930: Sharpsville, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Map of Home: View Map
Street address: Oak Street
Ward of City: Second Ward
House Number in Cities or Towns: 418
Dwelling Number: 303
Family Number: 356
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father's Birthplace: Irish Free State
Mother's Birthplace: Scotland
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Chemist
Industry: blast furnace
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker
Employment: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary John Malia 54
Mary Malia 58
John Mcging 28. (Research):1940 US Federal Census
Name: John McGing
Age: 36
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1904
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Sharon, Mercer, Pennsylvania
View Map
Street: Fisher Hill
Inferred Residence in 1935: Sharpsville, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Residence in 1935: Sharpsville, Mercer, Pennsylvania
Sheet Number: 12B
Rent/home value:
Employment status:
View image
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
John McGing 36
Angela McGing 32
name: John Mcging
titles & terms:
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Ward 2, Sharon City, Sharon City, Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States
gender: Male
age: 36
marital status: Married
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Head
birthplace: Pennsylvania
estimated birth year: 1904
residence in 1935: Sharpsville, Mercer, Pennsylvania
enumeration district number: 43-62
family number: 223
sheet number and letter: 12B
line number: 70
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 3572
digital folder number: 005456727
image number: 00137
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head John Mcging M 36 Pennsylvania
wife Angela Mcging F 32 Pennsylvania
Youngstown Vindicator 10/8/1979
Rites to be Tuesday for John F. McGing
Sharpsville - Serviuces will be at 9 am Tuesday in Sacred Heart Church in Sharon for John Francis "Barney" McGing, 77, of 471 Charles St, who died at 3 am Saturday at Sharon General Hospital where he had been a patient for a week.
Mt. McGing was born in Sharpsville Oct 2, 1902, teh son of Michael and Mary Burke McGing. He was a retired chemist from Shenango Inc. here where he had worked for 50 years and was a member of the church.
He leaves his wife the former Mary Angela Walsh whom he married Nov 23, 1939. Four brothers and two sisters are deceased. (Actually, it is the other way around.)
Friends may call from 7 to 9 pm today and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm tomorrow at the McManus Funderal Home, Sharon..
Last Edited |
November 13, 2018 08:09:00 |