1883 Glenmask Census
As related by Elaine O'Malley
In July 1985 Father Jarlath Waldron, parish priest of Partry parish, Co Mayo sent me a copy of 3 pages from a ledger book. THey were titled 1883 Glenmask. On these pages is information concerning the 25 families of Glenmask whose total population was 133. The dates given on the pages is 1883. Glenmask is spelled Glanmask.
In a letter sent with these pages, Father Waldron included the following information: "In researching our records since for another party by chance I came across the enclosed. It would seem that Father Corbett Reverend James Corbett, parish priest Ballyovey 1883-1919] after his arrival had good intentions of doing a full census report for the whole parish and never got beyond doing one village- Glanmask! It was tucked in a few pages where all the surrounding pages were empty and I can't recall ever seeing these pages before."
Father Waldron also included the explanation that the names written like this :Austin McGing James" means that Austin McGing is the son of James McGing.
It was sent to us because we had visited Father Waldron seeking informationabout 2 families from Glenmask. Both families are in the census report. They are the families of Austin McGing and James and Pat Malley. Austin and Pat are my husband's great grandfather.
Family #1