Graveyard Photographs



Martin Sheridan


Found in Drummin Graveyard:

O Lord have mercy on the souls
Patrick Gavin Bohaun
who died 20th Aug 1898
aged 82 years
and his wife
who died 3rd Feb 1912
aged 81 years
Annie Gavin
died 19th Mar 1962
Erected by their daughter
Margaret McGing

This graveyard is situated about 5 miles south of Westport on the road to Leenane. Tom 'Latin' Duffy of Linavesta one of the few local masons in the county who are still remembered carved many late 19th century memorials. There is a modern church beside the graveyard.

Found in Kilmeena Old

Lord have mercy on the soul
John Gill
who died 20 Sep 1902
aged 88 years
and his wife Anne Gill
who died 14th April 1885
aged 66 years
Erected by their son-in-law
Austin McGing Carrowbeg

This graveyard is situated about two miles east of the Westport to Newport road. The new church and graveyard are about 2-3 miles west of this site and have no pre 20th century memorials. However the latter have some fine modern Celtic crosses to the O'Malley family with symbols of the Crucifixion as well as the O'Malley coat of arms. This type of
symbolism is otherwise unknown in this part of the county and while the symbols follow the traditional pattern found elsewhere in Ireland the inclusion of a saw is unusual.

Tourmakeady RC Graveyard

In loving memory of
Catherine Heneghan
died Aug 16th 1877
John McGing died Feb 1960
his wife Bridget died Oct 1959
Erected by Thomas Heneghan

The church and graveyard is on the west coast of Lough Mask. Though it is in a traditional Gaeltacht area all memorials are in English. Only the pre 20th century church memorials have been transcribed.

The thumbnails here can be clicked on to see the picture in a larger size. In order to allow close inspection to read the inscriptions, the photo files are relatively large, and may take a bit to download.

Austin McGing Enhanced Headstone

Austin McGing Headstone Enhanced

Austin McGing Headstone

Austin McGing Headstone


Hawkshaw Headstone


Sheridan Headstone

Sheridan Headstone Enhanced